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Thursday, 24 January 2013

English 10E

1. Continue review --> in-class essay: "The lessons we learn today affect our future."
*We will be peer-editing this in class tomorrow*
**All late work/Romeo and Juliet books to be handed in tomorrow, Friday, January 25th**

Communications 12

1. Finish film.
2. Write two comparison paragraphs:
A. Compare the plots and the use of pathetic fallacy in Macbeth and Gladiator.
B. Compare and contrast the characters of Macbeth and Gladiator...
   - Examples:   Macbeth/Commodus, Macbeth/Maximus, Lady Macbeth/ Lucilla
**All late work/Macbeth books to be handed in tomorrow, Friday, January 25th**

English 11

1. Continue provincial exam prep
**All late work/Macbeth books to be handed in tomorrow, Friday, January 25th**