Comm 12
1. Finish Good Will Hunting.
2. Compare and Contrast Holden from The Catcher in the Rye and Will from Good Will Hunting.
3. Homework: Find 5 transition words that express comparison (re: similarity) and 5 words that express contrast (re: differences)
*Tomorrow: Write Compare/Contrast paragraph in-class
*Return novel if you haven't already done so*
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Introduction to the novel.
2. Notes:
3. Class Vote (Best Leader on a Desert Island).
4. Distribute novels.
5. Homework: Read Chapter 1 and do the study guide questions for chapter 1. We will discuss chapter 1 tomorrow.
*Consider: Why do they elect the leader that they do? How do they choose him? Is the elected the best choice? Why or why not?*