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Thursday, 15 January 2015

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Literary Device Quiz 2 (mark, discuss as class).
2. Hand back Stand Alone Text 2 paragraphs.
a. Examples and non-examples.
3. Assignment: Synthesis Text (Provincial Exam)
a. Multiple Choice – review strategies
i. Must write down reason for choosing answer (cannot simply guess).
b. Paragraph strategies – Notes on board (Stand Alone Text 1 process + synthesizing two different texts).
4. 60 minutes to work on Reading, Multiple Choice.
a. Should be able to create theme and thesis statement.
i. Remember about transitional words and phrases, proper quotation format.
5. Missing books? Reminder: Grad Transitions due Jan 23rd.
a. Available third block/after school by appointment for exit interview.
b. Remember to give employer time to fill out their portion.
6. Tomorrow: Start/finish paragraph (due at the end of tomorrow’s class).
Next Week – Feedback on Synthesis Text Paragraph. Depending on success of this exercise either another Synthesis paragraph or get started on Original Composition Practice
*Please return novels.*
*Deadline to hand in late/missing work from this term extended to Monday, January 19th.

English 11(2)
1. Lit Device Quiz 2 (mark in-class).
2. Film adaptation to the end of Act II.
3. Tomorrow: Read Act III.

English 11(4)
The Crucible
1. Lit Device Quiz 2 (mark in-class).
2. Analysis of Act I.
3. Read Act II, p. 48-70.