Please return novels from the previous unit ASAP!
Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Continue working on 3 theme paragraphs (due tomorrow). Ensure you edit your paragraphs and have a theme statement for each paragraph, as well as 3-5 examples for each.
2. Tomorrow: Begin Act I, sc i.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Continue debate.
2. Books distributed.
- background & theme notes
- Hobbes, Freud
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1.
4. Tomorrow: Chapter 1 quiz
English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Paragraphs due, discuss (theme & motif).
2. Books distributed.
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1, questions.
4. Homework: Read Chapter 2, finish questions
Tomorrow: Discuss Chapters 1 and 2.
*Friday: Quiz (Chapters 1-5).
Socials 11
Human Geography
1. Hand in terms.
2. Term Quiz (mark, record).
3. Handout: The First World War - Order of Events (review tomorrow).
4. Documentary (Causes of WWI) - 20 mins.
5. Homework: Read p. 41-top of 47. Define terms 1-16. Complete "Exercise 3 - Order of Events", Exercises 2, 4, 5 due Friday.