Comm 12
1. Presentation in Theatre (review questions #9-14 tomorrow).
English 11
1. Act I, sc iii work returned, review.
2. Film adaptation of Act I.
3. Homework check (Act I Theme quotations).
4. Read Act II, sc i and ii.
5. Questions (due tomorrow):
sc i:
A. Using textual evidence, identify an example of foreshadowing and explain its relevance to theme/plot.
B. Using textual evidence (2-3 quotations), identify an example of symbolism and how it relates to theme.
sc ii:
C. Using textual evidence (1-2 quotations), describe Macbeth's and Lady Macbeth's return to traditional gender roles in this scene.
English 10
Romeo & Juliet
1. Work returned.
2. Read Act II, sc i-iii.
3. Questions (due tomorrow):
- Find examples of imagery in scene ii (4-8 quotations).
- Find examples of the dangers of being impetuous (impulsive) (3-5 quotations).
*Include full quotations, cite properly (ex. "(II, iii, 43-45), and explain significance in relation to theme/characterization/plot).*
Socials 11
World War II
1. Quiz (p. 102-110).
2. Homework check (Exercise #8-10).
3. Schindler's List.
4. Homework: Read p. 110-113, Exercises #11, 12, 15 (be prepared to discuss tomorrow).