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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Eng 11(S)

1. Rough draft of "The Crucible" essay
**Email me if you have questions about your thesis**

Comm 11

1. Mark section 2 questions
2. Finish reading Section 2 of Feed.
3. Reflection questions (mark at the end of class)  /11
- In the chapter called Boring, why does Titus think the boat picture is boring? Do you think pictures like the ones he describes are boring? Why or why not?   /4
- On page 48, the feed is described as knowing what you need before you do - is this really what the feed is doing? /2
- What are the "salad days" Violet refers to on page 60? /1
- Violet tells Titus on page 63 that he is the only one of his group who uses metaphor.  Is this meant to be a compliment? Why does Violet choose to point out this particular characteristic? What does it say about Titus? /4

Eng 10E

1. Dictation #2 Pre-test
2. Journal Reflections for chapters 17 and 19 (each should be a page long double-spaced (minimum)
3. Read chapters 20-23
4. Handout for questions for chapters 20-23

Eng 11(L)

1. Lit circle #6
2. Read p.291 - 345
3. New jobs: DD - Brodie, Tyler, LL - Cam, Meghan, C - Josh, VE - Cayla, Kelsea