Comm 12
1. Hand in Business Letter and Visual Design
2. Independent novel - you should be finished reading in about two weeks.
3. Tomorrow: Well-answered questions
Eng 11 Block 2
1. Chapter 7/8 Vocabulary quiz
2. Begin reading chapter 11.
*Homework: Chapter 10 questions due tomorrow*
Eng 11 Blocks 3 and 4
1. Homework check: Act III Q's 1-7
2. Finish reading Act III
*Homework: all Act III questions due tomorrow*
Act III Vocabulary:
1. affidavit
2. auger
3. base
4. callously
5. deferentially
6. deposition
8. ipso facto
9. manifest
10. plaintiff
11. probity
12. qualm
13. slovenly
14. unperturbed
15. vestry