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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Comm 12

1. Independent novel
2. Read "Mount Robson Mystery"
3. Gather evidence for Kinney vs. Kane.
*Tomorrow: Well-answered paragraphs, Parts of Speech quiz

Eng 11 Block 2

1. Chapter 10 Questions homework check
2. Read Chapter 11
*Tomorrow: Questions for Chapters 10/11 due, chapter 11 quiz

Eng 11 Blocks 3 and 4

1. Mark Act III Questions
2. In-class writing assignment (one-page)
Option A: Write a prayer to God AS A CHARACTER from The Crucible confessing your sin(s)
Option B: Write a letter to a character advising them to confess their sins or giving advice concerning the situation in Salem (you can either be a character from the play or make one up).
*Tomorrow: Sins letter due, Act III and vocab quiz