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Thursday 6 February 2014

English 10E
Synthesis, Writing
1. Body Paragraph 2
- topic sentence - introducing/integrating/explaining/citing evidence - transitions - grammar/punctuation - concluding sentence

(body paragraph 2 continued) -->
The point of the timeline “From Africa to the Bronx” is to show that hip hop combines many influences – from slave music to soul. Just as the narrator of “Stones” appreciates the past and hopes to create his own unique furniture, the artists mentioned in “Voices Rising” appreciate their musical influences and create their own unique sounds.
2. Tomorrow: Conclusion paragraph and Putting it all together!

Psychology 11
Chapter 1
1. Quiz
2. PAS scale
3. Introduction to Chapter 2
4. Homework: Read p.17- top of p. 26, complete worksheet 2-2.

English 12
Short Stories
1. Feedback on "Reunion" compositions.
2. Theme statement review, examples.
3. Grammar & Writing tips.
4. Analysis: "A Perfect Day for Banana Fish" (Salinger).
5. Caliban
6. Thoughts on disillusionment...
7. Thoughts on nihilism...
He who fights against monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you stare persistently into an abyss, the abyss also stares into you. LESS

Theme Statement Rules:
1. Must be stated as a complete sentence.
2. Theme is a generalization about life.
3. The generalization cannot be larger than the story allows.
4. Theme is the central and unifying concept.
5. Theme is not a moral or lesson (contrary to what you were taught in middle-school).
6. There is no one way to state theme.