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Tuesday 18 February 2014

English 12
Short Stories
1. Discuss symbolism in "The Rocking-Horse Winner".

2. Begin your first draft of your essay, addressing the topic "Assess D.H. Lawrence's use of symbolism in 'The Rocking-Horse Winner'".
3. Format:
A. Theme Statement + Thesis + Introduction
B. 2-4 Body Paragraphs (How you organize this is up to you).
C. Conclusion + Restatement of Thesis & Theme Statement
**Ensure you are properly integrating and citing your quotations. If you need help, CLICK ME.
4. Tomorrow: Polish your essay (it's due Thursday, February 20th).

Psychology 11
Module 2
1. Code of Ethics --> CLICK ME.
2. Citation Guide --> CLICK ME.
3. Continue working on Research Paper (due Thursday, February 20th).
4. Stanford Prison Experiment questions are also due Thursday, February 20th.

English 10E
Short Stories
1. Hand in personal-character sketch (that we started yesterday).
2. Do a Character Sketch on Miss Strangeworth (following the same format that we used yesterday).
--> Due at the end of class.