English 12
1. Read Act I, sc iv-v.
2. Questions, analysis.
3. Points to Ponder:
- As you read the play, pay attention to Hamlet's character foils (but... are they true foils?) (Laertes and Fortinbras); compare their motives and behaviour (similarities & differences).
- Hamlet assumes an "antic disposition"... as the play progresses, decide if he is truly mad or is this merely a deception.
*The mind of Hamlet himself is a theatre; therefore, Hamlet is two plots in one - internal and external.
*Hamlet is always in the process of self-revision, he changes each time he speaks.
4. Tomorrow: paragraph quiz [you will be asked to extrapolate a quotation from Act I]
*If you are absent unexcused tomorrow you will not get a chance to re-write the quiz at a later date.*
Psychology 11
Nature vs. Nurture, Development
1. Module 3 Quiz.
2. Module 4 Introduction - Prenatal and Childhood Development:
- 4-1 (In-Class)
- 4-3 (In-Class)
3. Homework: 4-2 (Notes for p. 58 - 67)
--> Complete 4-2a (both charts) and 4-2b (first chart).
English 10E
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Chapter 2 Quiz
2. Read Chapter 3.
3. Chapter 3 Questions (Quiz on Chapter 3 tomorrow!).