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Friday 7 February 2014

English 12
Short Stories
1. Theme Statement Quiz.
2. Grammar/Writing Tips.
3. In-Class Writing Assignment (due @ 928am).
--> Contrast the ways in which Charlie of "Reunion" and Seymour of "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" come to the nihilistic realization that life is essentially futile.
- theme statement - textual evidence (properly introduced, integrated, cited) - transitions - objective and inferential writing

Psychology 11
Chapter 2 - Research
1. Chapter 1 Quiz returned.
2. Review 2-2 worksheet, p. 17-26. Review 17.26, 2-2 Tuesday (If you haven't read it already, read it! Prepare to discuss on Tuesday).
3. Anger Mountain

English 10E
1. Conclusion
- restatement of theme
- succinct summary of main points from both texts
- identify texts by title and author
- similarities/differences
2. Put it all together! (Type good copy in library; hand in if finished.)
Format of Synthesis Composition:
A. Introduction
B. Body Paragraph 1
C. Body Paragraph 2
D. Conclusion
**Due Tuesday**

Have a great long weekend! (Monday is a stat holiday!)