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Thursday, 12 June 2014

English 12

1. Essay practice.

Psychology 11

1. Film.


1. Essay practice.

Good luck with exams!
**Please return books!**

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Complete essay/essay feedback.
2. Review literary devices.
*Please return novels*
Provincial Exam - Friday, June 20th (AM) ~ Plan to arrive by 8am with necessary supplies (blue/black pens, pencils, sharpener, white-out).

Psychology 11

1. Final exam.
*Please return textbooks*

English 10E
Provincial Prep
1. Complete essay/essay feedback.
2. Review literary devices.
Provincial Exam - Tuesday, June 24th (AM) ~ Plan to arrive by 8am with necessary supplies (blue/black pens, pencils, sharpener, white-out)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Feedback on Synthesis compositions.
2. Assigned: Practice essay (Topic: We can learn valuable lessons from negative experiences).
- 3-5 paragraphs - you may NOT use the topic phrase in the essay - be creative! - write in an original way that implies the topic instead of directly stating it - you may use any style or a combination of styles (for example, begin with an anecdote [narrative] that leads into a persuasive essay).
*I will be giving you feedback on this tomorrow.*
*You should be reviewing your lit terms at home*
**Please return novels**

Psychology 11
Module 29
1. Documentary: Back from Madness: The Struggle for Sanity.
*Tomorrow: Final exam IN-CLASS*

English 10E
Provincial Prep
1. Continue working on full essay (due at the end of tomorrow's class).


Monday, 9 June 2014

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Finish multi-paragraph compare/contrast composition (I will be giving you feedback on this tomorrow, so make sure it's complete for the beginning of tomorrow's class).
*Return CITR novels*

Psychology 11
Module 29
1. Debrief Schizophrenia presentation.
2. Overview of Module 29 chapter (finish reading for homework).
*Enrichment: Research serial killers that have been diagnosed with dissociative, schizophrenia, or personality disorders.
3. Finish surveys in Module 29 booklet.

English 10E
Provincial Prep
1. Hand in 6 Introductions + 6 Outlines.
2. Based on feedback, choose ONE of the intro/outlines and write a full essay (due Wednesday).
*You should be reviewing literary devices at home.*


Friday, 6 June 2014

English 12

Grad Rehearsal 

Psychology 11
Module 28
1. Presentation: Schizophrenia
2. Homework: Read the rest of Module 28 chapter in textbook (make notes; this is a module on your final exam!).

Provincial Prep
1. Complete 6 Introductions and 6 Outlines - due Monday.

Have a good weekend!

Congratulations grads!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Synthesis 1 and Synthesis 2.
- Multiple Choice
- Theme statement + thesis (first paragraph) of "multi-paragraph":

        To maintain a healthy relationship, respect must be reciprocal. Both Neil Millar's "The Most Powerful Question a Parent Can Ask..." and Budge Wilson's "Be-ers and Doers" explore the complex relationship between parent and child. Although the mother in "Be-ers and Doers" is well-intentioned, Millar's approach is more respectful.

Psychology 11
Module 28
1. In-class: Manifest Anxiety Scale (28-3), Measuring Fear (28-4), SAT scale (28-5), OCS (28-6).
2. Homework: 28-8 (The Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire), Revised Facts on Suicide Quiz (28-9), Body Investment Scale (28-10), Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (28-11).

Provincial Prep
1. Continue 6 Introductions and 6 Outlines.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Poem "The Dumka" - MC questions, paragraph
*Review lit device terms*
**Please return novels**

Psychology 11
Module 27
1. Module 27 OB quiz (not essay).
2. Begin Module 28 (complete notes 28-2), discuss 28-1.
3. Complete 28-3.

Eng 10E
Provincial Prep
1. Continue 6 Intro/Outlines.

Monday, 2 June 2014

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. "The Quarter Horse Colts" - Irene Arndt Huettl.
- reading strategies/multiple choice
- paragraph (imagery + theme)
2. Literary devices (review).
*Please return CITR novels.*

Psychology 11
Module 27
1. 27-1 pre-reading questions.
2. Read/discuss module 27 chapter.
3. Notes (27-2).
4. Homework: Review chapter, complete 27-3 (to be discussed Wednesday).
*Module 27 Quiz Wednesday*

Provincial Prep
1. Continue introductions + outlines (6) (due Monday, June 9th).

See you Wednesday.