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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Review questions #8-11 (Chapter 1).
2. Quotation review & class example.
3. Chapter 2...
- read - analyze (answer each question, include page numbers for each answer, themes/motifs/symbols where applicable).
4. Reminder: GTs due today.

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Chapter 5...
- read - analyze (answer each question, include page numbers for each answer, themes/motifs/symbols where applicable).
1b. Reminder: Chapter 1-5 questions due THURSDAY.
2. Complete WAQ OUTLINE (in-class WAQ on Thursday):
*one-page, one-sided *full sentences for theme statement and thesis statement (one sentence each).
*POINT FORM: 5 quotations, including page numbers, that support your thesis
*characters (who they symbolize).
3. See me for help with WAQ/Q.I. format.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 5/6 vocabulary quiz TOMORROW (including symbolism of the rivers and significance of Gene's fight with Quackenbush).
2. Chapter 7...
- read - analyze (answer each question, include page numbers for each answer, themes/motifs/symbols where applicable).
3. Updated marks, feedback.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Work returned; updated marks.
2. Of Mice and Men:
- books distributed
- study guide questions distributed (due at the end of the unit).
- background + themes, motifs, symbols
3. Read Chapter 1 in-class.
3b. Answer questions (including page numbers, themes, motifs). Finish #8-11 for homework (discuss tomorrow).
*Reminder: GTs due tomorrow.

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Homework check/discuss: theme & thesis statements, quotations (power/corruption, hierarchy/class conflict).
1b. Quotation integration format review.
2. Chapter 4...
- read - analyze
2b. Create WAQ outline for THURSDAY.
- theme and thesis statements (full sentences)
- 4-5 quotations (point form, page numbers)
- characters, themes (point form).
2c. Chapter 1-5 questions due THURSDAY.
3. Study lit devices and vocabulary, review themes, symbolism, characters.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Work returned; feedback, updated marks.
2. Literary Device Quiz.
3. Chapter 6...
- read - analyze
**HINT: Study your chapter 5/6 vocabulary.**

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Finish "Reunion" WAQ (started yesterday). Hand in at the end of class.
2. Reminder: GTs due February 28th.
3. Hand in all late work.

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Review questions #8-12 from Chapter 2 (read yesterday in class).
2. Chapter 3...
- read - analyze
3. Assignment:
- Create theme and thesis statements and find (at least) 3 quotations that support the following ideas in the novel SO FAR:
*power/corruption *hierarchy/class structure

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Complete good draft of in-class WAQ (due at the end of class).
2. Review literary devices (quiz on Monday).

Have a great long weekend!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Provincial work OVERDUE (today is the LAST day to hand in).
2. "The Destructors" WAQ due.
3. Grammar practice.
4. Read: John Cheever's "Reunion."
4b. Future WAQ: Using textual evidence, describe how Cheever develops the theme of disillusionment.
*theme, thesis statements *4-6 quotations (I, I, C, E) *transitions in and out of evidence *conclusion
*written objectively, in present tense *double-spaced, in pen*
*Due at the end of Thursday's class.*

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Notes: Introduction to George Orwell's Animal Farm.
2. Read: Chapter 1.
3. Analyze (study guide questions distributed). Include page numbers for each answer and indicate any themes emphasized.

English 11
A Separate Peace
Citing textual evidence from chapters 1-4, describe the difference between Gene and Phineas.
*theme, thesis statements *5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) *transitions in and out of evidence *conclusion
*written objectively, in present tense *double-spaced, in pen*
**Due at the end of TOMORROW'S class.**
2. Study Guide questions (chapters 1-4) due at the end of TOMORROW'S class.
3. Read chapter 5; answer questions. Complete WAQ outline. Literary device quiz on Thursday.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Complete "The Destructors" WAQ; due at the end of class.
2. Provincial Practice work is OVERDUE. A "0" or "I" on your mid-term report will drastically effect your in-progress grade.
3. Reminder: GTs due Feburary 28th.

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Discuss the myth of Sisyphus.
1B. Review Russian Revolution; notes on Background, character list distributed.
2. Novels distributed.
3. Grammar/feedback; work returned.
4. Review literary devices daily.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 4...
- read - analyze
**Chapter 1-4 questions due TOMORROW**
2. Continue prepping for tomorrow's in-class WAQ (Citing textual evidence from chapters 1-4, describe the difference between Gene and Phineas).
*theme, thesis statements *4-6 quotations (I, I, C, E) *transitions in and out of evidence *conclusion *objective *present-tense
3. Review literary devices daily.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. All provincial practice work now overdue. Your poster, business letter, and/or essay will NOT be accepted after TODAY.
2. "The Destructors" (Graham Greene) WAQ:
- Citing textual evidence, describe theme in Graham Greene's "The Destructors",
*theme, thesis statements *transition sentences (in and out of evidence) *4-5 quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, and explained) *conclusion *present-tense, objective.
**Due Monday.
3. Reminder: Choose your FLEX session for next week. Grad Transitions due February 28th.

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Hand in Emotions essay (2-3 drafts).
2. Introduction to George Orwell's Animal Farm:
- discuss/review: allegory, satire, rhetoric, propaganda
- watch: The Rise of Stalin documentary (background to Animal Farm)
2b. Stalin fast facts (to add to your documentary notes).
3. Next week: Begin novel.
4. Review grammar/lit devices daily.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. All late work due (not accepted after today).
2. Chapter 3...
- read - analyze (answer questions, important themes)
3. Review vocabulary and lit devices.


Thursday, 16 February 2017

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Provincial Practice work (poster/business letter/original comp essay) are now OVERDUE. They will not be accepted after tomorrow's class).
2. Review literary devices (metaphor, allegory, symbolism, irony) & discuss protest culture and nihilism.
3. Read: "The Destructors" by Graham Greene (full text online).
A. Discuss themes:
- innocence vs. experience - loss of innocence - the nature of power/leadership - class disparity (upper vs. middle).
B. Find quotations that illuminate/support theme.
3b. Tomorrow: Write in-class WAQ (due Monday):
Citing textual evidence, describe theme in Graham Greene's "The Destructors".
- theme and thesis statements - transitions in and out of evidence - 3-5 quotations (properly introduced, integrated, cited, and explained) - conclusion - written objectively, in present tense (please double-space).

English 10
1. Complete final draft of "Emotions" original comp (personal essay).
*You should have three drafts in total to hand in tomorrow, at the beginning of class.*
2. Review literary devices and grammar (booklet distributed last week).
3. Next up: George Orwell's Animal Farm.
3b. Tonight: review the definitions and create examples for: allegory, satire, rhetoric, propaganda.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Discuss Chapter 1; review questions and themes (work assigned yesterday).
2. Chapter 2...
- read - analyze
3. Grammar and literary device review.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Comm 12
Provincial Practice
1. Hand in poster and business letter (OVERDUE).
2. Complete and hand in Original Composition practice essay.
3. Grammar review/practice package.
*Reminder: Grad Transitions are due February 28th.*
*Next up: "The Destructors" (short stories).

--FLEX (choose next week's session)--

English 10
1. Review grammar package examples.
2. Complete second draft of "Emotions" original composition essay (started yesterday). See yesterday's post for criteria and details.
*Final draft due tomorrow at the end of class.*
3. Review literary devices (upcoming quiz).

English 11
Short Stories
1. "The Lamp at Noon" WAQ due at the beginning of class.
1b. Review grammar package examples TOMORROW.
2. Introduction/background (notes) to A Separate Peace (our first novel study). Books distributed.
2b. Read Chapter 1; answer questions (finish for homework). Ensure you answer each question, include page numbers, and any relevant themes evident in your answers.
3. Review literary devices (upcoming quiz).

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Comm 12
Provincial Practice
1. Business Letter and Visual Design (poster) OVERDUE; hand in ASAP.
2. In-Class essay 
- due at the end of tomorrow's class.
3. Reminder: Grad Transitions (modules at blueprint.ca) due February 28th.
4. Tomorrow: grammar review/reminders; in-class essay (continued).

English 10
Short Stories
1. "The Possibility of Evil" WAQ OVERDUE; hand in at the beginning of class.
1b. Grammar booklet - complete if you haven't already; be prepared to discuss TOMORROW.
2. Read Sylvia Fraser's "My Other Self" (p. 37 in The Act of Writing).
- Discuss: Structure and Style questions (40-41).
- Plan/Outline: Process in Writing - question #6:
Think of a time when your own emotions carried you away. Experience it again by free-writing, never stopping the motion of your pen for several minutes. Use the present tense to heighten the immediacy of your account. Now narrate a first draft, incorporating the best of your pre-writing. In the next draft add more SENSE IMAGES and FIGURES OF SPEECH. Move the action along with time signals (ex. "then," "next," "suddenly"). If you report dialogue, use quotations marks and begin a new paragraph for each change of speaker. Read your prose aloud before writing the final version.
*Final draft due at the end of Thursday's class
3. Review literary devices (upcoming quiz).

English 11
Short Stories
1. "Harrison Bergeron" rewrites due at the beginning of class.
1b. Grammar booklet - complete if you haven't already; be prepared to discuss TOMORROW.
2. Revisit "The Lamp at Noon"...
- in-class WAQ (due at the beginning of tomorrow's class).
- WAQ topic:
Citing textual examples, how do the setting and characters illuminate theme in Ross' "The Lamp at Noon".
- theme, thesis statements - 5 quotations (I, I, C, E) - transitions in and out of evidence
- 12-15 sentences - written objectively and in present tense - please double-space and write in pen
3. Review literary devices (upcoming quiz).

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Comm 12
Provincial Practice
1. Business Letter and Visual Design (poster) due.
2. In-Class essay (from provincial exam options; distributed Friday).
- due at the end of tomorrow's class (weather permitting).
3. Reminder: Grad Transitions (modules at blueprint.ca) due February 28th.
*Tomorrow, after attendance, we will be going to the Drafting lab to finish GTs/type essays/business letters, weather permitting.*


English 10
Short Stories
1. "The Possibility of Evil" WAQ due at the beginning of class.
Read Sylvia Fraser's "My Other Self" (p. 37 in The Act of Writing).
- Discuss: Structure and Style questions (40-41).
- Plan/Outline: Process in Writing - question #6:
Think of a time when your own emotions carried you away. Experience it again by free-writing, never stopping the motion of your pen for several minutes. Use the present tense to heighten the immediacy of your account. Now narrate a first draft, incorporating the best of your pre-writing. In the next draft add more SENSE IMAGES and FIGURES OF SPEECH. Move the action along with time signals (ex. "then," "next," "suddenly"). If you report dialogue, use quotations marks and begin a new paragraph for each change of speaker. Read your prose aloud before writing the final version.
*Final draft due Friday (weather permitting).
3. Review literary devices (upcoming quiz).

English 11
Short Stories
1. "Harrison Bergeron" rewrites due at the beginning of class.
2. Revisit "The Lamp at Noon"...
- in-class WAQ (due at the beginning of tomorrow's class; weather permitting).
- WAQ topic:
Citing textual examples, how do the setting and characters illuminate theme in Ross' "The Lamp at Noon".
- theme, thesis statements - 5 quotations (I, I, C, E) - transitions in and out of evidence
- 12-15 sentences - written objectively and in present tense - please double-space and write in pen
3. Review literary devices (upcoming quiz).

Friday, 3 February 2017

Comm 12
Provincial Practice
1. Complete Parts C and D (DUE MONDAY at the end of class)
- Business Letter
- Poster (Visual Design)
- Original Composition Essay
2. Ensure GTs are complete (due February 28th).
*Choose your Flex (Mrs. Clayton) for next week.*
3.Monday: Come to B113 for attendance before we go to Mr. Hipwell's drafting lab to type the Part D essay.

English 10
Short Stories
1. In-Class WAQ: "The Possibility of Evil"
- due at the BEGINNING of Monday's class (you may hand in today if you are finished).
2. Grammar, literary device review.

English 11
Short Stories
1. Grammar booklet (complete for Monday's discussion).
2. "Harrison Bergeron" WAQs marked, returned, feedback.
--> Please re-write your paragraph following WAQ format and applying my feedback.
*Due at the beginning of Monday's class.*
3. Monday: "The Lamp at Noon" revisited...


Thursday, 2 February 2017

Comm 12
1. Library: Grad Transitions, type Business Letter (assigned yesterday).
2. Tomorrow: Visual Design, continued; Original Comp practice.

English 10
1. Common grammar mistakes.
2. Literary Device Review.
3. Short Stories, continued: Shirley Jackson's "The Possibility of Evil".
*WAQ topic: Citing examples of irony and symbolism, describe theme in "The Possibility of Evil".
**WAQ written in-class TOMORROW.**

English 11
1. Writing sample feedback.
2. Grammar, lit devices.
3. Hand in "Harrison Bergeron" WAQ.
4. Read: Sinclair Ross' "The Lamp at Noon."
-WAQ topic: Citing examples of imagery and pathetic fallacy, describe theme in "The Lamp at Noon."
*Write in-class tomorrow*

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Comm 12
1. WAQ (class-example).
2. Begin Business Letter (Part C of Provincial Exam).
- Distributed: Business Letter & Cover Letter Formats
3. Tomorrow: Come to B113 for attendance; Library for Grad Transitions (or typing up your Business Letter if you are already finished).


English 10
1. WAQ (class-example): "Once More to the Lake".
2. Review literary devices (upcoming review quiz!).

English 11
1. WAQ (class-example): "Harrison Bergeron"(10-12 sentences, 3-5 quotations (I, I, C, E)).
--> Complete for homework
2. Review literary devices (upcoming review quiz!).
--> Grammar review.