1. Hand in missing work.
2. Begin "The Crucible" essay outline
Topic options:
1. Compare the roles that Elizabeth and Abigail play in "The Crucible"
2. Discuss the changers Reverend Hale undergoes in the play.
3. How do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless?
4. Discuss the role that grudges and personal rivalries play in the witch trial hysteria.
5. Another topic of your choice (see me for approval) [You may want to write a paper about the Puritans, sin in the play, theocracy, etc).
*Remember: Thesis - answers the reader's question "so what?"
- Use a minimum of 3 quotes as support (cite the Act and page number)
- Discuss theme, literary devices (irony, symbols, allegory, etc)
- Consider the many binaries explored in the play: Good/Evil, Madonna/Whore, Innocence/Guilt, Moral/Immoral, Men/Women, etc.
***You will have Tuesday and Wednesday to plan and edit your essay; Thursday we write the good draft in class***
Comm 11
1. Feed Quiz #1 (mark and record)
2. Read Section 2 (pp. 43-60)
3. In-class time to work on questions
Eng 10E
1. Spelling Pre-Test #2:
1. alley 2. allowed 3. ally 4. although 5. always 6. amateur 7.amino acid
8. ammunition 9. amount 10. analyze/se 11. annual 12. anxious 13. appearance
14. appropriate 15. Arctic
2. Read chapter 19
3. Time to finish questions for chapters 17-194. Mark questions for chapters 17-19
5. Journal reflections
Eng 12(L)
1. Hand in "My Last Duchess" questions
2. Intro to "Dorian Gray" (As a class, read preface and chapter 1)
Group 1 (Chapter 1)
Maggie, Fiona, Alston, Elmer, Justin, Marcus, Nathaniel
Group 2 (Chapter 2)
Wesley, Kyujin, Abbey, Katrina, Alex, Hallie, Megan
Group 3 (Chapter 3)
Angel, Abeer, Colton, Caiyla, Miranda, Victoria, Jennifer
**You will have 20 minutes at the beginning of Wednesday's class to collaborate with your group members**
**Ensure you have chapters 1-3 read**
***Note: You will be marked for your individual work (hand in) as well as your group's presentation as a whole. Intermittently, we will have quizzes and class discussions/notes***