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Friday, 30 November 2012

Eng 10E

1. Quiz on Act I of Romeo & Juliet.
2. Begin Graphic Novel Project:
- You will be illustrating and writing a graphic novel version of Romeo & Juliet. For every scene of every act, you will be doing the following:
  • Identify the Act and Scene
  • Identify the setting(s)
  • Identify all characters in scene
  • Identify the theme illuminated by scene
  • A minimum of 5 summary sentences for each scene
  • An illustration/sketch of each summary sentence
For example:

Act I, sc i
Setting: Verona, public place
Characters: Sampson, Gregory (Capulet), Tybalt, L. Capulet, Capulet, Abram, Balthasar (Montague), Benvolio, L. Montague, Montague, Romeo, Prince Escalus
1. Sampson and Gregory walk through Verona.
2. Gergory sees two Montague servants and discusses with Sampson how to provoke them into a fight and Sampson bites his thumb.
3. Tybalt and Benvolio draw their swords and the brawl spreads.
4. Montague and Capulet enter and try to fight and their wives protest; the Prince demands a stop to the fight.
5. Later, Benvolio and Romeo talk because Romeo is depressed that Rosaline doesn't love him.
+ 5 pictures

Comm 12

1. Essay outline review (Outline Monday, Rough draft Tuesday, Final draft Wednesday)
2. Choose the three tasks/messages that affected Ed/the plot the most.
3. Find quotes to support your argument for EACH task *keep theme in mind*
4. Choose a theme to base your thesis and argument around. Examples: redemption, sacrifice, the value of helping others, mankind's ability to change his fate, perseverance.
**5 paragraph essay, a minimum of 5 quotes, strong thesis, emphasis on theme**

English 11

1. Chapter 4 paragraphs (2) due.
2. Id/Ego/Superego - Freud in Lord of the Flies
3. Read ch. 5
4. Homework: Find examples of Freud in pop culture -- bring for Monday!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

English 10E

1. All "Theories of Relativity" essays and novels should be in now (as of Monday).
2. We have begun reading "Romeo and Juliet"  in class, p. 1-18
3. We have started a character sheet. You should have a description and quote for the following characters by Friday:
Benvolio, Tybalt, Capulet, Montague, Romeo, Juliet
4. We watched up to 8.30 of the animated adaptation of the play: Romeo and Juliet
5. Homework tonight: Read p. 18-32: You will have an assignment OR quiz tomorrow based on this reading.

Comm 12

1. 280-297 Messenger work was due Monday
2. 297-321 Read with TOC: TOC's homework was to create AND answer five questions. These were due Wednesday.
3. Yesterday we read 321-337. The questions for this section is due today (Thursday).
4. We will be finishing the novel today and assignment is to follow, due Friday.

English 11

1. All essays and novels for The Crucible should be handed in as of Monday.
2. We have read chapters 1-3 of Lord of the Flies and discussed symbolism in the novel as well as background information on William Golding. There is a quiz on Ch 1-3 today.
3. Read chapter 4 in class.
4. Homework: Answer the following two questions, one paragraph each, due tomorrow, Friday Nov. 30th:
- Describe the significance of the shift of power in this chapter.
- What is the "taboo" of the old life? What is the significance of the quote "his arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him"?

Friday, 23 November 2012

English 10E

1. Bibliography/Works cited review
2. Rough draft due today
3. Final draft of "Theories of Relativity" essay due Monday

Comm 12

1. Homework from yesterday due today.
2. No homework this weekend except for those with missing assignments - these are due Monday.

English 11

1. The Crucible literary analysis essays due today, hand in books.
2. LOTF introduction - opinion sheet/discussion

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

English 10E

1. Reminder about concluding sentences for each paragraph
2. Finish writing literary analysis of "Theories of Relativity" (rough draft due tomorrow, final draft due Monday)

Comm 12

1. Quiz on p. 246-262
2. Read 265-280
3. Questions for 265-280 due at the end of tomorrow's (Friday's) class

English 11

1. Finish writing The Crucible literary analysis. Due tomorrow.
2. Bring your plays tomorrow to hand in.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

English 10 E

1. Continue working on body paragraphs and quote integration.
2. Tomorrow: Cleaning up thesis statements, introductions, and conclusions.
*Reminder: Rough draft due Friday*

Comm 12

1. Read p. 241-262
2. Be able to define and make sentences for the following words:
chuffed, fervently, frailty, plait, adamant, scuffed, transfixed, futile, scour, engrossed
3. Tonight, review what we read in class today for your QUIZ TOMORROW
4. Bev's journal entry due today

English 11

1. Review thesis statements
2. Continue working on literary analysis of The Crucible

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

English 10E

1. Continued working on essay. Reviewed quote integration. Review the following example for body paragraphs:

......(indent). In "Theories of Relativity," one of the hardships Dylan experiences is the shame associated with being homeless. First, even though they know Dylan is a street kid, the police want him to stay out of sight so that they and the public will not be bothered by him. For example, one cold night a pair of cops wake Dylan when they find him sleeping on a vent to keep warm. When Glen intercedes to take Dylan out for breakfast, one cop says, "Get out of here and quit littering the streets" (116). This quotation shows how the public disregards street kids as shameful and embarrassing. Shame is one of many factors that makes living on the street difficult and demoralising.

- Topic sentence
- Introduce quote/background context (set the scene, like a movie preview)
- Quote integrated into sentence (paraphrase, use only the most important part of the quote)
- Explanation of the quote
- Concluding sentence

*New essay due dates: Rough draft: Friday 23rd, Final draft: Monday 26th*
**Tomorrow: Reviewing thesis statements and introductory paragraphs**

Communications 12

1. Marked/Handed in "Messenger" p. 200-221 work
2. Read p. 221-243
3. Journal assignment - write about Ed and Ed's late father from Bev's (Ed's mom) perspective. Should be about 2 pages long.

English 11

1. Quote integration review for essay, citation reminders
2. Continue drafting literary analysis
*Tomorrow: Thesis/introduction, theme integration review*
** New essay due date: Friday, November 23rd**

Monday, 19 November 2012

English 10E

1. Begin drafting your literary analysis of "Theories of Relativity" -- your rough draft is due Wednesday, your final draft is due Friday.
You may choose ONE of the following topics (or if you want to write on your own topic, run it by me first):

A.  How is life on the street so difficult in this novel? What are 3 hardships Dylan has to endure/overcome?
B.  How is Dylan able to escape life on the street in the end? What are 3 reasons for (or people behind) his success?
C.  Dylan's theories changed over the course of the novel.  Describe his (good and false) theories and the effect they have on his life.

2. Essay format:

A. Introduction --> general background facts, SUMMARIZE the plot, THESIS
B. First body paragraph --> topic sentence, 2 supporting sentences, 2 quotes, 2 explanation sentences, transitions, concluding sentence
C. Second body paragraph --> as above
D. Third body paragraph --> as above
E. Conclusion --> restate THESIS, summarize body paragraphs, end with recommendation

*Please consult the handout I gave you today for help with quotes and structure.

Communications 12

1. 183-200 Messenger work due
2. Read 200-221
3. Work for 200-221 due tomorrow, Tuesday November 20th

English 11

1. Finish film
2. Begin drafting essay/finding quotes --> Literary analysis due Thursday, November 22nd.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Eng 10E

1. Chapter 23-26 questions due
2. Finished reading novel
3. In-class assignment (due at the end of class): Write chapter 29 for "Theories of Relativity" OR the first chapter of the sequel to the novel
*Next week we will be working on our literary analysis essay of "Theories of Relativity".*

Comm 12

1. Writing assignment questions for p.152-183 due at the beginning of class.
2. Read p. 183-200.
3. Questions for this section are due Monday.

English 11

1. Continue watching film adaptation of The Crucible
2. Over the weekend, decide on an essay topic, I'll be checking Monday as we will start drafting our literary analysis essay.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Eng 10E

1. "Theories" questions chapters 23-26 due Friday 16th.
*Tomorrow we finish the novel*

Comm 12

1. "Messenger" written work p.152-183 due tomorrow, Friday Nov. 16th at the beginning of class
2. Today, 115-151 was due.

Eng 11

1. Yesterday Act IV questions were due. We also wrote an in-class quote test (worth 66 marks)
2. Today you had part of class to read the appendix of The Crucible and respond to why this act is often left out of stage productions.
3. We had a class discussion about reputation and whether or not public shaming is an effective method of punishment for law-breakers.
4. We began the film adaptation of the play.
5. Your literary analysis of the play will be due next week (probably Wed/Thur). You may either use one of my suggestions or choose your own (run it by me first). Your essay must be 5-7 paragarphs, contain a strong thesis, use a minimum of 5 quotes from the play to back up your argument, and contain no mechanical errors. Some suggested topics:

- Compare the role sof Elizabeth and Abigail. How do their roles affect and illuminate major themes in The Crucible?
- Discuss the changes Reverand Hale goes through over the course of the play.
- Which three characters are most reponsible for the Salem witch trials?
- Analyze The Crucible as a political allegory for McCarthyism.
- Your choice...

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

English 10E

1. "Theories" questions chapters 17-19 (+ 2 journals) due Nov. 8th
*All other late/missing assignments must be in tomorrow to count for term 1*

2. "Messenger" p. 95-114 work due Nov. 8th
*All other late/missing assignments must be in tomorrow*

3. "The Crucible"
- Confession was due yesterday
- Quiz on Act III today
- Act III questions due Nov 8th
*All other late/missing assignments must be in tomorrow to count for term 1*

Email me by Thursday 4pm if you need help/have questions about any assignments.

Have a great long weekend!

Lest we forget.