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Friday 30 November 2012

Eng 10E

1. Quiz on Act I of Romeo & Juliet.
2. Begin Graphic Novel Project:
- You will be illustrating and writing a graphic novel version of Romeo & Juliet. For every scene of every act, you will be doing the following:
  • Identify the Act and Scene
  • Identify the setting(s)
  • Identify all characters in scene
  • Identify the theme illuminated by scene
  • A minimum of 5 summary sentences for each scene
  • An illustration/sketch of each summary sentence
For example:

Act I, sc i
Setting: Verona, public place
Characters: Sampson, Gregory (Capulet), Tybalt, L. Capulet, Capulet, Abram, Balthasar (Montague), Benvolio, L. Montague, Montague, Romeo, Prince Escalus
1. Sampson and Gregory walk through Verona.
2. Gergory sees two Montague servants and discusses with Sampson how to provoke them into a fight and Sampson bites his thumb.
3. Tybalt and Benvolio draw their swords and the brawl spreads.
4. Montague and Capulet enter and try to fight and their wives protest; the Prince demands a stop to the fight.
5. Later, Benvolio and Romeo talk because Romeo is depressed that Rosaline doesn't love him.
+ 5 pictures

Comm 12

1. Essay outline review (Outline Monday, Rough draft Tuesday, Final draft Wednesday)
2. Choose the three tasks/messages that affected Ed/the plot the most.
3. Find quotes to support your argument for EACH task *keep theme in mind*
4. Choose a theme to base your thesis and argument around. Examples: redemption, sacrifice, the value of helping others, mankind's ability to change his fate, perseverance.
**5 paragraph essay, a minimum of 5 quotes, strong thesis, emphasis on theme**

English 11

1. Chapter 4 paragraphs (2) due.
2. Id/Ego/Superego - Freud in Lord of the Flies
3. Read ch. 5
4. Homework: Find examples of Freud in pop culture -- bring for Monday!