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Tuesday 4 June 2013

Comm 12
1. Finish Act I Summary and scene lists.
2. Begin Act II.

Eng 11
1. Continue working on poetry project, due Friday.

Eng 11 Block 3
Bias in Media
1. Handout: Propaganda techniques, Study Questions for F 9/11.
2. Begin F 9/11.
*Choose a question from each side of your "Film Education" sheet; you will write a paragraph answering each, following the film.
*Your third paragraph will address the following:
- Is Michael Moore biased? Does this documentary qualify as propaganda? Does using propaganda techniques detract from the authenticity of his argument?
**3 Paragraphs will be due Friday**

Eng 11 Block 4
Bias in Media
1. Handout: Propaganda techniques, Study Questions for F 9/11.
2. Begin F 9/11.
*Choose a question from each side of your "Film Education" sheet; you will write a paragraph answering each, following the film.
*Your third paragraph will address the following:
- Is Michael Moore biased? Does this documentary qualify as propaganda? Does using propaganda techniques detract from the authenticity of his argument?
**3 Paragraphs will be due Friday**