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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. In-Class Essay (due at the end of class).
- Choose one of the following topics:
A. Describe the character flaws exhibited by Julius Caesar in the first two acts that facilitate/foreshadow his impending assassination
B. Shakespeare uses omens, dreams, and premonitions in Julius Caesar. Using examples from the text, explain how this motif functions in the play.
2. Criteria:
- 4-5 paragraphs (7-12 sentences per paragraph)
- complete thesis statement
- 3 quotations PROPERLY integrated and cited (ex. II, ii, 24-25)
- double-spaced

English 11
1. Introduction
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Ambition: Good or Bad?
*Please return The Crucible ASAP.*