English 12
"The Rocking-Horse Winner"
1. Continue film adaptation (to 57:36).
2. Questions due Monday (Email me today if you need help).
Next week: Oedipus the King, Hamlet.
**Return CITR novels if you haven't already done so.**
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Essays returned.
2. Watch: Stanford Prison Experiment Documentary.
3. Homework - Questions (due Monday):
A. Summarize the experiment and identify Zimbardo's hypothesis. /5
B. How did the volunteers in the role of prisoner behave? How did those in the role of guard behave? Was the psychologist's hypothesis proven correct? /5
- Additional information about the SPE: http://www.prisonexp.org/
4. Monday: Be prepared to discuss/write a paragraph drawing parallels between Zimbardo and Golding's theories about mankind.
*Review literary devices.*
**Return LOTF novels if you haven't already done so.**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Updated marks.
2. Explicate "And Thou Art Dead..." By Lord Byron.
3. Questions due Monday.
*Study lit devices and return novels.*
Welcome to our online classroom! Stay up to date with homework, marks, and announcements as well as find useful links and resources.
Friday, 31 October 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
English 12
"The Rocking-Horse Winner"
1. Hand in "Disillusionment" questions and paragraph.
2. Read "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence
Answer the following questions:
A. Identify the significance of the rocking-horse. What might it symbolize? /3
B. Interpret the author's style; why does he begin the story like a fairy-tale? /2
C. Identify two examples of irony in the story. /2
D. Identify theme --> write a theme statement for "TRHW". /1
E. Identify personification in the story. What does it symbolize? /2
*Due Monday.*
Note: The Oedipus complex is present in Lawrence's story. According to the Greek myth, Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother - it's a story about trying to outwit fate/change one's destiny. Freud suggested that all boys have an unconscious desire to take the place of their father.
3. Begin film adaptation The Rocking-Horse Winner (to 14:16).
Tomorrow: Continue adaptation.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Complete In-Class essay.
2. Hand in essay and outline.
3. Return novels.
Tomorrow: Stanford Prison Experiment & man's inherent violent nature.
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Essays returned.
2. Return novels.
3. Continue A River Runs Through It.
Tomorrow: Poem explication.
TONIGHT: Parent-Teacher Interviews 6pm-8pm, SSS Gym.
"The Rocking-Horse Winner"
1. Hand in "Disillusionment" questions and paragraph.
2. Read "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence
Answer the following questions:
A. Identify the significance of the rocking-horse. What might it symbolize? /3
B. Interpret the author's style; why does he begin the story like a fairy-tale? /2
C. Identify two examples of irony in the story. /2
D. Identify theme --> write a theme statement for "TRHW". /1
E. Identify personification in the story. What does it symbolize? /2
*Due Monday.*
Note: The Oedipus complex is present in Lawrence's story. According to the Greek myth, Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother - it's a story about trying to outwit fate/change one's destiny. Freud suggested that all boys have an unconscious desire to take the place of their father.
3. Begin film adaptation The Rocking-Horse Winner (to 14:16).
Tomorrow: Continue adaptation.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Complete In-Class essay.
2. Hand in essay and outline.
3. Return novels.
Tomorrow: Stanford Prison Experiment & man's inherent violent nature.
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Essays returned.
2. Return novels.
3. Continue A River Runs Through It.
Tomorrow: Poem explication.
TONIGHT: Parent-Teacher Interviews 6pm-8pm, SSS Gym.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
English 12
1. "Disillusionment" questions due.
2. WAQ Prompt:
Referring to the text, describe how Mann's inclusion of polarities illuminates the theme of disillusionment.
*12-15 sentences* *theme & thesis statements* *5 I,I,C,E Quotations* *Concluding sentences* *Transitions between examples*
**Due tomorrow at the beginning of class.**
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Hand in prompts.
2. In-Class essay (if you do not finish in today's class, hand it in; you will get tomorrow's class to finish). You may not bring your essay or outline home.
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Film: A River Runs Through It.
2. Return novels.
1. "Disillusionment" questions due.
2. WAQ Prompt:
Referring to the text, describe how Mann's inclusion of polarities illuminates the theme of disillusionment.
*12-15 sentences* *theme & thesis statements* *5 I,I,C,E Quotations* *Concluding sentences* *Transitions between examples*
**Due tomorrow at the beginning of class.**
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Hand in prompts.
2. In-Class essay (if you do not finish in today's class, hand it in; you will get tomorrow's class to finish). You may not bring your essay or outline home.
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Film: A River Runs Through It.
2. Return novels.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
English 12
A. Read Thomas Mann's "Disillusionment".
B. Complete questions (due tomorrow):
A. Read Thomas Mann's "Disillusionment".
B. Complete questions (due tomorrow):
(Letter in brackets indicates what should
be the ‘size’ of your answer.)
Write in complete, objective, and formal
sentences. Properly integrate, explain, and cite quotations from the story.
1. Using examples from the text, explain the
significance of Mann's description of the setting and the characters. (M)
2. Why does Mann describe the man with no age
("...he might have been thirty years old, he might have been fifty."
p. 3)? (S)
3. What are some polarities established in the story,
and what is their importance? (L-XL)
4. When does the man feel free? What does he lament
for? (M-L)
5. What is the author's tone? Provide two examples as
support for your answer. (M)
C. Review literary devices.
D. Return novels.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Create an essay outline for one of the following topics (to bring with you to your in-class essay Wednesday/Thursday):
A. By referring to three symbols in the novel, describe Golding's theory about mankind.
B. Using examples from the text, discuss the fragility of civilization.
C. Using examples from the text, prove or disprove the following statement:
One's conscience is always fighting with his basic desires in order to do the 'right' thing.
((You may bring your prompts home with you today to assist you with your outline, but they must be handed in tomorrow before you begin writing.))
*You will be stapling your outline to the back of your in-class essay when you are finished; it must follow the guidelines I gave you Monday.*
**If you do not finish your essay in-class tomorrow, you will hand it in and get back on Tuesday.**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Finish in-class essays (staple outline to back).
2. Return novels.
Tomorrow: A River Runs Through It.
Friday: Lit device quiz, poetry analysis.
Monday, 27 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Finish Good Will Hunting.
2. Essays returned, marks updated.
*Tomorrow: "Disillusionment"
*Please remember to return your novel if you haven't already done so.*
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Read chapter 12.
2. Chapter 12 Prompt:
Identify and describe two examples of irony in the final chapter of the novel.
**Tomorrow: All prompts due, essay outlines.**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. In-Class essay.
*You will have tomorrow's class to finish.*
**All prompts due.**
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Finish Good Will Hunting.
2. Essays returned, marks updated.
*Tomorrow: "Disillusionment"
*Please remember to return your novel if you haven't already done so.*
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Read chapter 12.
2. Chapter 12 Prompt:
Identify and describe two examples of irony in the final chapter of the novel.
**Tomorrow: All prompts due, essay outlines.**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. In-Class essay.
*You will have tomorrow's class to finish.*
**All prompts due.**
Thursday, 23 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. All late work due.
2. Return novels.
3. Good Will Hunting.
*No homework this weekend (unless you have spoken to me about an extension)*
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Review Freud's theory (Id/Ego/Superego).
2. Read Chapter 11, take notes.
3. Explain the characters' actions and dialogue through a Freudian lens (i.e. evidence of Id, Ego, Superego).
*Theme statement should be about civilization vs. savagery.
*Thesis example: By examining Lord of the Flies through a Freudian lens, Golding illustrates that without civilization, man indulges the Id of his subconscious.
**Transitions, examples, 6 quotations (I,I,E,C).
*Concluding sentence(s)
*Reminder: All prompts due TUESDAY*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Literary Analysis of ASP Essay topics:
A. Describe the role of World War II in the novel as it relates to Gene's inner conflict.
B. Citing examples from the text, describe the dangers of codependency on identity.
C. Describe how A Separate Peace is a coming-of-age novel. How does the book chronicle Gene's development from childhood to adulthood?
*Create essay outline (to bring with you Monday
[In-Class Essay, due at the end of Tuesday's class])
Intro - Theme Statement + Thesis statement (takes a position on topic you are addressing) + general introduction of major points + transitional sentence(s)
Body (2-4 paragraphs) - Topic sentence, Evidence (I,I,E,C quotations, min. 6), evidence/quotations explained in relation to theme/thesis + transitional/concluding sentence(s)
Conclusion - Topic sentence + general summary of main points + restatement of thesis and theme + concluding sentence(s).
*Reminder: All prompts due MONDAY*
The Catcher in the Rye
1. All late work due.
2. Return novels.
3. Good Will Hunting.
*No homework this weekend (unless you have spoken to me about an extension)*
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Review Freud's theory (Id/Ego/Superego).
2. Read Chapter 11, take notes.
3. Explain the characters' actions and dialogue through a Freudian lens (i.e. evidence of Id, Ego, Superego).
*Theme statement should be about civilization vs. savagery.
*Thesis example: By examining Lord of the Flies through a Freudian lens, Golding illustrates that without civilization, man indulges the Id of his subconscious.
**Transitions, examples, 6 quotations (I,I,E,C).
*Concluding sentence(s)
*Reminder: All prompts due TUESDAY*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Literary Analysis of ASP Essay topics:
A. Describe the role of World War II in the novel as it relates to Gene's inner conflict.
B. Citing examples from the text, describe the dangers of codependency on identity.
C. Describe how A Separate Peace is a coming-of-age novel. How does the book chronicle Gene's development from childhood to adulthood?
*Create essay outline (to bring with you Monday
[In-Class Essay, due at the end of Tuesday's class])
Intro - Theme Statement + Thesis statement (takes a position on topic you are addressing) + general introduction of major points + transitional sentence(s)
Body (2-4 paragraphs) - Topic sentence, Evidence (I,I,E,C quotations, min. 6), evidence/quotations explained in relation to theme/thesis + transitional/concluding sentence(s)
Conclusion - Topic sentence + general summary of main points + restatement of thesis and theme + concluding sentence(s).
*Reminder: All prompts due MONDAY*
Have a nice weekend (pro-d day tomorrow)!
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. In-Class essays (with outline) due today.
2. Return novels.
3. All late CITR work due tomorrow.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Read Chapter 10.
2. Chapter 10 Prompt(s):
A. Describe the reactions of Piggy, Ralph, and Samneric to Simon's murder.
B. Describe the scene at Castle Rock. Give examples of Jack's new power and explain how he is able to maintain it.
*Theme statement and 3 (min.) quotations I,I,E,C for each prompt.
**All prompts due Tuesday**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Read Chapter 13.
2. Chapter 13 Prompt:
Compare and contrast Gene's attitude toward the war with Brinker's father's. According to Gene, who is the real enemy?
**All prompts due Monday**
The Catcher in the Rye
1. In-Class essays (with outline) due today.
2. Return novels.
3. All late CITR work due tomorrow.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Read Chapter 10.
2. Chapter 10 Prompt(s):
A. Describe the reactions of Piggy, Ralph, and Samneric to Simon's murder.
B. Describe the scene at Castle Rock. Give examples of Jack's new power and explain how he is able to maintain it.
*Theme statement and 3 (min.) quotations I,I,E,C for each prompt.
**All prompts due Tuesday**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Read Chapter 13.
2. Chapter 13 Prompt:
Compare and contrast Gene's attitude toward the war with Brinker's father's. According to Gene, who is the real enemy?
**All prompts due Monday**
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. In-Class essay (you will have tomorrow's class to write as well).
*Due at the end of Wednesday's class*
- You may only use your outline and your novel during writing. If you do not finish today, you will be handing in your essay and getting it back tomorrow to finish.
*Tomorrow, hand in novels.
**All late CITR work due Thursday**
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 8 Quizzes handed back.
1B. Accuracy/analysis clarification for the LOTF.
2. Read Chapter 9.
3. Chapter 9 Prompt:
Describe how Golding expands his depiction of Simon as a Christ-figure in this chapter. What allusion is present in the imagery of the last page?
**ALL prompts due MONDAY**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Read Chapter 12.
2. Chapter 12 Prompts (Choose 1):
A. Describe Gene and Phineas' relationship in this chapter.
B. Describe Finny's identity crisis with regards the war.
**ALL prompts due THURSDAY**
The Catcher in the Rye
1. In-Class essay (you will have tomorrow's class to write as well).
*Due at the end of Wednesday's class*
- You may only use your outline and your novel during writing. If you do not finish today, you will be handing in your essay and getting it back tomorrow to finish.
*Tomorrow, hand in novels.
**All late CITR work due Thursday**
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 8 Quizzes handed back.
1B. Accuracy/analysis clarification for the LOTF.
2. Read Chapter 9.
3. Chapter 9 Prompt:
Describe how Golding expands his depiction of Simon as a Christ-figure in this chapter. What allusion is present in the imagery of the last page?
**ALL prompts due MONDAY**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Read Chapter 12.
2. Chapter 12 Prompts (Choose 1):
A. Describe Gene and Phineas' relationship in this chapter.
B. Describe Finny's identity crisis with regards the war.
**ALL prompts due THURSDAY**
Monday, 20 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Re-writes handed back, updated marks.
2. Discuss significance of the carousel.
3. Essay topics:
A. Describe The Catcher in the Rye's timelessness.
B. Describe the evolution of Holden's character.
C. Refer to three symbols in the novel that help illuminate theme.
D. Describe Holden's relationship with women.
E. Describe Holden's conflicting views of childhood and adulthood.
4. Homework: Essay outline (you may bring this in to tomorrow's in-class essay).
It may (only) include:
- Topic and concluding sentences for each paragraph
- Theme statement and thesis statement (intro/conclu)
- Quotations w/ page numbers
- Point form summary of main points
*One-page, one-sided* ==> Must be handed in with essay.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 8 Quotation Quiz:
Describe, using textual evidence, the significance of the scene between Simon and the Lord of the Flies.
- theme & thesis statements - min. 5 quotations (I,I,E,C) - refer to previous chapters re: Simon - refer to spirtual allegory, symbolism
- 12-15 sentences
- topic, transitional, and concluding sentences
*Due at the end of class*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Homework check: Chapter 10 Response.
2. Read Chapter 11.
3. Chapter 11 Response Prompt:
Describe the significance of what is on Gene's wall as opposed to Finny's wall (147-148).
*5-7 quotations (I,I,E,C)
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Re-writes handed back, updated marks.
2. Discuss significance of the carousel.
3. Essay topics:
A. Describe The Catcher in the Rye's timelessness.
B. Describe the evolution of Holden's character.
C. Refer to three symbols in the novel that help illuminate theme.
D. Describe Holden's relationship with women.
E. Describe Holden's conflicting views of childhood and adulthood.
4. Homework: Essay outline (you may bring this in to tomorrow's in-class essay).
It may (only) include:
- Topic and concluding sentences for each paragraph
- Theme statement and thesis statement (intro/conclu)
- Quotations w/ page numbers
- Point form summary of main points
*One-page, one-sided* ==> Must be handed in with essay.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 8 Quotation Quiz:
Describe, using textual evidence, the significance of the scene between Simon and the Lord of the Flies.
- theme & thesis statements - min. 5 quotations (I,I,E,C) - refer to previous chapters re: Simon - refer to spirtual allegory, symbolism
- 12-15 sentences
- topic, transitional, and concluding sentences
*Due at the end of class*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Homework check: Chapter 10 Response.
2. Read Chapter 11.
3. Chapter 11 Response Prompt:
Describe the significance of what is on Gene's wall as opposed to Finny's wall (147-148).
*5-7 quotations (I,I,E,C)
Friday, 17 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Read and analyze chapters 22-24.
2. Homework: Finish reading the novel.
--> Make note of the symbolism of the carousel and Grand Central Station.
3. On Monday, will you write a WAQ response about Mr. Antolini's advice to Holden (in-class).
Next week - In-Class literary analysis essay for The Catcher in the Rye.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Homework check: Chapter 7 Prompt.
- Ensure you have included Simon's prophecy, the boys' appearance, the tension between Jack and Ralph, and Ralph's role in the hunt.
2. Read and analyze Chapter 8.
3. Chapter 8 Prompt:
The author chooses to go into significant detail about this hunt. Why does Golding describe it so viscerally? Using textual evidence, describe how this scene illuminates the degree of savagery to which the boys have digressed to. (5 quotations, minimum.)
4. On Monday, you will have a quotation quiz (WAQ) about the 'conversation' between Simon and the Lord of the Flies.
English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 9 quiz.
2. Read Chapter 10.
3. Chapter 10 Prompt:
Compare and contrast Gene's war experience with Leper's.
Have a great weekend!
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Read and analyze chapters 22-24.
2. Homework: Finish reading the novel.
--> Make note of the symbolism of the carousel and Grand Central Station.
3. On Monday, will you write a WAQ response about Mr. Antolini's advice to Holden (in-class).
Next week - In-Class literary analysis essay for The Catcher in the Rye.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Homework check: Chapter 7 Prompt.
- Ensure you have included Simon's prophecy, the boys' appearance, the tension between Jack and Ralph, and Ralph's role in the hunt.
2. Read and analyze Chapter 8.
3. Chapter 8 Prompt:
The author chooses to go into significant detail about this hunt. Why does Golding describe it so viscerally? Using textual evidence, describe how this scene illuminates the degree of savagery to which the boys have digressed to. (5 quotations, minimum.)
4. On Monday, you will have a quotation quiz (WAQ) about the 'conversation' between Simon and the Lord of the Flies.
English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 9 quiz.
2. Read Chapter 10.
3. Chapter 10 Prompt:
Compare and contrast Gene's war experience with Leper's.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, 16 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Re-writes due.
2. Notes (Chapters 19-21).
3. Read Chapters 19-21.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Rewrites due.
2. Read Chapter 7.
3. Theme statement, thesis statement for Chapter 7.
4. Chapter 7 Prompt:
Describe how this chapter sheds light on the boys' personalities, the growing tension between Jack and Ralph, and the theme of civilization versus savagery.
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Rewrites due.
2. Homework check: Chapter 8 Prompt.
3. Read Chapter 9.
*No Chapter 9 Prompt*
4. Review/edit your prompts so far:
- 7 entries, titled with date
- 7 theme statements
- 7 thesis statements
- Each response has min. 3 quotations properly introduced, integrated, explained, and cited.
- Each response contains proper concluding sentences
- Each response 8-12 sentences each.
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Re-writes due.
2. Notes (Chapters 19-21).
3. Read Chapters 19-21.
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Rewrites due.
2. Read Chapter 7.
3. Theme statement, thesis statement for Chapter 7.
4. Chapter 7 Prompt:
Describe how this chapter sheds light on the boys' personalities, the growing tension between Jack and Ralph, and the theme of civilization versus savagery.
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Rewrites due.
2. Homework check: Chapter 8 Prompt.
3. Read Chapter 9.
*No Chapter 9 Prompt*
4. Review/edit your prompts so far:
- 7 entries, titled with date
- 7 theme statements
- 7 thesis statements
- Each response has min. 3 quotations properly introduced, integrated, explained, and cited.
- Each response contains proper concluding sentences
- Each response 8-12 sentences each.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Quotation integration assignment due.
2. Notes (Chapters 16-18).
3. Work period: re-writes, missing work (due tomorrow).
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Open-book quiz (Chapter 6).
2. Symbolism review (notes).
*Re-writes/missing work due tomorrow.*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Hand in Chapter 7 response.
2. Read Chapter 8.
3. Chapter 8 response prompt:
Describe the effect Phineas' return to Devon has on Gene.
*Re-writes/missing work due tomorrow.*
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Quotation integration assignment due.
2. Notes (Chapters 16-18).
3. Work period: re-writes, missing work (due tomorrow).
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Open-book quiz (Chapter 6).
2. Symbolism review (notes).
*Re-writes/missing work due tomorrow.*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Hand in Chapter 7 response.
2. Read Chapter 8.
3. Chapter 8 response prompt:
Describe the effect Phineas' return to Devon has on Gene.
*Re-writes/missing work due tomorrow.*
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Theme and Thesis statement review (examples in-class).
2. Feedback on WAQ.
3. Homework: Integrate the following sentences (they should be properly introduced, explained, and cited):
"To tell you the truth, it was sort of embarrassing, in a way, to be talking about Romeo and Juliet with her. I mean that play gets pretty sexy in some parts." p. 111
"Then just to show you how crazy I am, when we were coming out of this big clinch, I told her I loved her and all. It was a lie, of course, but the thing is, I meant it when I said it." p. 125
"You don't see what I mean at all...You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth." p. 133
*Late work/re-dos are due Thursday, discussed with me ahead of time (for midterm reports)*
English 11 (2)
The Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 4 Quizzes handed back.
2. Theme and thesis statements for Chapter 5 prompt (evil, fear, and Simon).
3. Write WAQ response to Chapter 5's prompt.
4. Homework: Read chapter 6, prepare for a quiz tomorrow.
*No chapter 6 prompt.*
*Late work/re-dos are due Thursday, discussed with me ahead of time (for midterm reports)*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Hand in Chapter 5/6 response.
2. Read Chapter 7 & analyze.
3. Homework: Chapter 7 Response
With textual evidence, describe how the war's encroachment on Devon becomes more pronounced in chapter 7.
- include topic sentence (ex. The consequence of war is a loss of innocence), thesis statement (re: Gene's internal conflict), min. 5 quotations (I, I, E, C), 12-15 sentences.
*due tomorrow, 30 marks*
*Late work/re-dos are due Thursday, discussed with me ahead of time (for midterm reports)*
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Theme and Thesis statement review (examples in-class).
2. Feedback on WAQ.
3. Homework: Integrate the following sentences (they should be properly introduced, explained, and cited):
"To tell you the truth, it was sort of embarrassing, in a way, to be talking about Romeo and Juliet with her. I mean that play gets pretty sexy in some parts." p. 111
"Then just to show you how crazy I am, when we were coming out of this big clinch, I told her I loved her and all. It was a lie, of course, but the thing is, I meant it when I said it." p. 125
"You don't see what I mean at all...You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth." p. 133
*Late work/re-dos are due Thursday, discussed with me ahead of time (for midterm reports)*
English 11 (2)
The Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 4 Quizzes handed back.
2. Theme and thesis statements for Chapter 5 prompt (evil, fear, and Simon).
3. Write WAQ response to Chapter 5's prompt.
4. Homework: Read chapter 6, prepare for a quiz tomorrow.
*No chapter 6 prompt.*
*Late work/re-dos are due Thursday, discussed with me ahead of time (for midterm reports)*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Hand in Chapter 5/6 response.
2. Read Chapter 7 & analyze.
3. Homework: Chapter 7 Response
With textual evidence, describe how the war's encroachment on Devon becomes more pronounced in chapter 7.
- include topic sentence (ex. The consequence of war is a loss of innocence), thesis statement (re: Gene's internal conflict), min. 5 quotations (I, I, E, C), 12-15 sentences.
*due tomorrow, 30 marks*
*Late work/re-dos are due Thursday, discussed with me ahead of time (for midterm reports)*
Friday, 10 October 2014
English 12
Catcher in the Rye
1. Well-Answered Question Quiz:
Describe, using textual evidence, how Holden's conflicting views of childhood and adulthood affect his interactions with women.
*Paragraph 1: Theme + Thesis + Transitional sentence
*Paragraph 2: Topic sentence + Transitional sentence + Quotations (introduced, integrated, explained, cited) + Transitions + Transitional sentence
*Paragraph 3: Topic sentence + restate thesis & theme statement + concluding sentences
**Due at the end of class**
2. Homework: Read Chapters 16-18.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Review theme statements, work on examples together (for fear, evil, mankind's essential illness).
2. Read/discuss chapter 5.
3. Homework: Finish reading chapter 5, rough draft of chapter 5 response:
Describe the significance of the following quotations:
"What I mean is...maybe it's only us."
"Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankind's essential illness."
English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 5/6 quiz.
2. Theme statements (identity, rivalry, enemy, insecurity).
3. Homework: Chapter 5/6 Prompt:
Describe the evolution of Gene and Finny's relationship following the fall.
*Theme statement + thesis statement + 5 quotations (introduced, integrated, explained, cited) + transitions + concluding sentences*
- Bring completed rough draft Tuesday.*
Have a great long weekend!

Catcher in the Rye
1. Well-Answered Question Quiz:
Describe, using textual evidence, how Holden's conflicting views of childhood and adulthood affect his interactions with women.
*Paragraph 1: Theme + Thesis + Transitional sentence
*Paragraph 2: Topic sentence + Transitional sentence + Quotations (introduced, integrated, explained, cited) + Transitions + Transitional sentence
*Paragraph 3: Topic sentence + restate thesis & theme statement + concluding sentences
**Due at the end of class**
2. Homework: Read Chapters 16-18.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Review theme statements, work on examples together (for fear, evil, mankind's essential illness).
2. Read/discuss chapter 5.
3. Homework: Finish reading chapter 5, rough draft of chapter 5 response:
Describe the significance of the following quotations:
"What I mean is...maybe it's only us."
"Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankind's essential illness."
English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 5/6 quiz.
2. Theme statements (identity, rivalry, enemy, insecurity).
3. Homework: Chapter 5/6 Prompt:
Describe the evolution of Gene and Finny's relationship following the fall.
*Theme statement + thesis statement + 5 quotations (introduced, integrated, explained, cited) + transitions + concluding sentences*
- Bring completed rough draft Tuesday.*
Have a great long weekend!

Thursday, 9 October 2014
English 12
Catcher in the Rye
1. WAQ due.
2. Read chapters 10-12.
3. Notes.
4. Homework: Read chapters 13-15.
5. Tomorrow: WAQ in-class 'quiz' (due at the end of Friday's class).
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. In-Class Writing Assignment (Quiz):
Using textual evidence from chapter 4, describe the digression of the boys' society and values since the beginning of the novel.
*due at the end of class.
*3 paragraphs
*5 (min.) quotations (integrated, explained, cited)
*proper format (intro & conclusion = thesis + theme, body = examples)
2. Homework: Begin reading Chapter 5; stop at "And the Zoo--" (p. 83/89, depending on edition).
**Bring Responses 1-4 tomorrow**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Homework check: Chapter 5 Response
2. Read Chapter 6
3. Notes - Symbolism of the rivers.
4. Tomorrow: Quiz on Chapter 5/6.
Catcher in the Rye
1. WAQ due.
2. Read chapters 10-12.
3. Notes.
4. Homework: Read chapters 13-15.
5. Tomorrow: WAQ in-class 'quiz' (due at the end of Friday's class).
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. In-Class Writing Assignment (Quiz):
Using textual evidence from chapter 4, describe the digression of the boys' society and values since the beginning of the novel.
*due at the end of class.
*3 paragraphs
*5 (min.) quotations (integrated, explained, cited)
*proper format (intro & conclusion = thesis + theme, body = examples)
2. Homework: Begin reading Chapter 5; stop at "And the Zoo--" (p. 83/89, depending on edition).
**Bring Responses 1-4 tomorrow**
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Homework check: Chapter 5 Response
2. Read Chapter 6
3. Notes - Symbolism of the rivers.
4. Tomorrow: Quiz on Chapter 5/6.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. WAQ as a class (finish for homework).
2. Read and discuss chapters 7-9.
English 11 (2)
The Lord of the Flies
1. Homework check (Responses 1-3).
1B. Freud's Id, Ego, and Superego.
1C. Hobbes, Hume, Locke
2. Read Chapter 4 (finish reading for homework).
3. Chapter 4 Response:
Describe the significance of:
"Piggy was a bore; his fat, his ass-mar, and his matter-of-face ideas were dull..." (68).
*Chapter 4 Quiz tomorrow*
*Bring completed responses 1-4 tomorrow*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Homework check (Responses 2-4).
2. Read Chapter 5.
3. Chapter 5 Response Prompt:
Describe the significance of:
"...I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again" (54).
The Catcher in the Rye
1. WAQ as a class (finish for homework).
2. Read and discuss chapters 7-9.
English 11 (2)
The Lord of the Flies
1. Homework check (Responses 1-3).
1B. Freud's Id, Ego, and Superego.
1C. Hobbes, Hume, Locke
2. Read Chapter 4 (finish reading for homework).
3. Chapter 4 Response:
Describe the significance of:
"Piggy was a bore; his fat, his ass-mar, and his matter-of-face ideas were dull..." (68).
*Chapter 4 Quiz tomorrow*
*Bring completed responses 1-4 tomorrow*
English 11 (4)
A Separate Peace
1. Homework check (Responses 2-4).
2. Read Chapter 5.
3. Chapter 5 Response Prompt:
Describe the significance of:
"...I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again" (54).
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Assignments returned, feedback.
2. Discuss chapter 3 (the red hunting hat).
3. Read chapters 4-6 in-class.
- make note of: Jane, Allie, Allie's glove
4. Assignment: Well-Answered Question:
What common characteristic do Holden, Stradlater, and Ackley share?
- Criteria:
*theme statement, thesis, 3 (min.) quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, explained), objective writing*
*7-12 sentences
- We will finish this in-class tomorrow.
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Open-book quiz (Chapter 3):
A. As the chapter opens, what change in Jack is evident?
B. What does "the madness" in Jack's eyes refer to?
C. Why are snakes "not mentionable," especially for Ralph and Jack?
D. What is significant about the bathing pool?
*Each answer must be at least three FULL sentences.
*Identify theme and literary device when applicable.
*Each answer should include a quotation (integrated, cited, explained).
*Due at 1030. (Mark in class.)
3. Chapter 3 Response:
Describe the significance of the following quotation:
"They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate" (56).
(Have finished and be prepared to discuss tomorrow).
*Tomorrow: Homework check - Paragraphs 1-3.
*Tomorrow we will read Chapter 4 in-class.
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 3 Quiz (p. 33-40).
2. Homework check (and discuss): Chapter 3 Response.
3. Chapter 4.
4. Homework: Chapter 4 Response:
Describe and analyze Gene's paranoia. What is its consequence?
(HW check tomorrow.)
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Assignments returned, feedback.
2. Discuss chapter 3 (the red hunting hat).
3. Read chapters 4-6 in-class.
- make note of: Jane, Allie, Allie's glove
4. Assignment: Well-Answered Question:
What common characteristic do Holden, Stradlater, and Ackley share?
- Criteria:
*theme statement, thesis, 3 (min.) quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, explained), objective writing*
*7-12 sentences
- We will finish this in-class tomorrow.
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Open-book quiz (Chapter 3):
A. As the chapter opens, what change in Jack is evident?
B. What does "the madness" in Jack's eyes refer to?
C. Why are snakes "not mentionable," especially for Ralph and Jack?
D. What is significant about the bathing pool?
*Each answer must be at least three FULL sentences.
*Identify theme and literary device when applicable.
*Each answer should include a quotation (integrated, cited, explained).
*Due at 1030. (Mark in class.)
3. Chapter 3 Response:
Describe the significance of the following quotation:
"They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate" (56).
(Have finished and be prepared to discuss tomorrow).
*Tomorrow: Homework check - Paragraphs 1-3.
*Tomorrow we will read Chapter 4 in-class.
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 3 Quiz (p. 33-40).
2. Homework check (and discuss): Chapter 3 Response.
3. Chapter 4.
4. Homework: Chapter 4 Response:
Describe and analyze Gene's paranoia. What is its consequence?
(HW check tomorrow.)
Monday, 6 October 2014
English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Notes (background, themes).
2. Read Chapter 1 and 2 in class, discuss (while you're reading, make note of page numbers where you identify themes, motifs, symbols, characterization).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 3 and make notes (be ready to discuss tomorrow).
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Assignments handed back (ask for clarification of feedback, if necessary).
2. Chapter 2 Quiz.
5. Chapter 2 Response Question (as a class):
Describe the significance of the following quotation:
"We'll have rules! he cried excitedly. "Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em---" (p. 32).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 3 (be prepared to discuss), Study for Chapter 3 quiz. (Fix your Chapter 1 Response if it's missing things we covered in today's example.)
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Assignments handed back (ask for clarification of feedback, if necessary).
2. Homework check: Chapter 2 Response paragraph; class example.
3. Read Chapter 3.
4. Chapter 3 Response question: What is "the real America" according to Gene?
*Tomorrow: Quiz on p. 33-40, homework check: Chapter 3 response (be prepared to discuss).*
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Notes (background, themes).
2. Read Chapter 1 and 2 in class, discuss (while you're reading, make note of page numbers where you identify themes, motifs, symbols, characterization).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 3 and make notes (be ready to discuss tomorrow).
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Assignments handed back (ask for clarification of feedback, if necessary).
2. Chapter 2 Quiz.
5. Chapter 2 Response Question (as a class):
Describe the significance of the following quotation:
"We'll have rules! he cried excitedly. "Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em---" (p. 32).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 3 (be prepared to discuss), Study for Chapter 3 quiz. (Fix your Chapter 1 Response if it's missing things we covered in today's example.)
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Assignments handed back (ask for clarification of feedback, if necessary).
2. Homework check: Chapter 2 Response paragraph; class example.
3. Read Chapter 3.
4. Chapter 3 Response question: What is "the real America" according to Gene?
*Tomorrow: Quiz on p. 33-40, homework check: Chapter 3 response (be prepared to discuss).*
Friday, 3 October 2014
English 12
1. In-Class writing assignment (3 paragraphs):
How does Greene convey the instability of postwar England in "The Destructors"?
*Due at the end of class.*
No homework this weekend.
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 1 Quiz.
2. Background (notes).
3. Themes, motifs, symbols (notes).
4. Characterization: Ralph, Jack, Piggy.
5. Homework:
- Chapter 1 Response Paragraph (Why do the boys choose Ralph as their leader, instead of Piggy or Jack? What does this scene suggest about the political nature of power? What are the benefits and drawbacks of choosing a leader like Ralph?)
- Read Chapter 2
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Quiz on Chapter 1
2. Background, themes, motifs, symbols (notes).
3. Read Chapter 2.
- Chapter 2 Response Paragraph:
What does Phineas do what Gene thinks will finally land him in trouble? What punishment, if any does Finny receive? What do we learn about Gene from page 20-22?
Example beginning:
In the world, there are conformists and individualists. In the second chapter of A Separate Peace, the reader is introduced to Gene's inner-conflict....
1. In-Class writing assignment (3 paragraphs):
How does Greene convey the instability of postwar England in "The Destructors"?
*Due at the end of class.*
No homework this weekend.
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 1 Quiz.
2. Background (notes).
3. Themes, motifs, symbols (notes).
4. Characterization: Ralph, Jack, Piggy.
5. Homework:
- Chapter 1 Response Paragraph (Why do the boys choose Ralph as their leader, instead of Piggy or Jack? What does this scene suggest about the political nature of power? What are the benefits and drawbacks of choosing a leader like Ralph?)
- Read Chapter 2
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Quiz on Chapter 1
2. Background, themes, motifs, symbols (notes).
3. Read Chapter 2.
- Chapter 2 Response Paragraph:
What does Phineas do what Gene thinks will finally land him in trouble? What punishment, if any does Finny receive? What do we learn about Gene from page 20-22?
Example beginning:
In the world, there are conformists and individualists. In the second chapter of A Separate Peace, the reader is introduced to Gene's inner-conflict....
Thursday, 2 October 2014
English 12
1. Read Peter P. Clarke's "Graham Greene's 'The Destructors': An Anarchist Parable".
- Summarize in 6 sentences + identify Greene's thesis
2. Write a quality theme statement for "The Destructors".
3. Prepare notes for tomorrow's in-class writing assignment:
- How does Greene convey the instability of postwar England in "The Destructors"?
*Theme statement *Clear, strong thesis
*Highlight literary devices used in the story (metaphor, paradox, allegory, irony, symbolism)
*5 (min.) quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, explained)
*Transitions, grammar
*Concluding sentence(s)
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Discussion: Decide if you believe the following statements are true or false. You must provide evidence to back up your opinion.
A. Boys are more aggressive than girls.
B. People prefer extroverted personalities.
C. Most people are lazy and prefer to follow rather than to lead.
D. Mankind is inherently evil (Class definition: Willful harm to others).
E. In order to establish a strong community, it is necessary to isolate some.
2. Books distributed (Lord of the Flies).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1 - be prepared to discuss tomorrow.
(There will probably be a quiz tomorrow to ensure you read the chapter ;) )
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Discussion: Decide if you believe the following statements are true or false. You must provide evidence to back up your opinion.
A. Competition is promoted by society.
B. In order to succeed, it is necessary to be selfish.
C. Boys are discouraged from expressing their feelings.
D. The socio-economic class you are born into dictates your attitude and behaviour.
E. Humans construct (manufacture) enemies to justify selfish/immoral behaviour.
2. Books distributed (A Separate Peace).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1 - be prepared to discuss tomorrow.
(There will probably be a quiz tomorrow to ensure you read the chapter ;) )
1. Read Peter P. Clarke's "Graham Greene's 'The Destructors': An Anarchist Parable".
- Summarize in 6 sentences + identify Greene's thesis
2. Write a quality theme statement for "The Destructors".
3. Prepare notes for tomorrow's in-class writing assignment:
- How does Greene convey the instability of postwar England in "The Destructors"?
*Theme statement *Clear, strong thesis
*Highlight literary devices used in the story (metaphor, paradox, allegory, irony, symbolism)
*5 (min.) quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, explained)
*Transitions, grammar
*Concluding sentence(s)
English 11 (Block 2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Discussion: Decide if you believe the following statements are true or false. You must provide evidence to back up your opinion.
A. Boys are more aggressive than girls.
B. People prefer extroverted personalities.
C. Most people are lazy and prefer to follow rather than to lead.
D. Mankind is inherently evil (Class definition: Willful harm to others).
E. In order to establish a strong community, it is necessary to isolate some.
2. Books distributed (Lord of the Flies).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1 - be prepared to discuss tomorrow.
(There will probably be a quiz tomorrow to ensure you read the chapter ;) )
English 11 (Block 4)
A Separate Peace
1. Discussion: Decide if you believe the following statements are true or false. You must provide evidence to back up your opinion.
A. Competition is promoted by society.
B. In order to succeed, it is necessary to be selfish.
C. Boys are discouraged from expressing their feelings.
D. The socio-economic class you are born into dictates your attitude and behaviour.
E. Humans construct (manufacture) enemies to justify selfish/immoral behaviour.
2. Books distributed (A Separate Peace).
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1 - be prepared to discuss tomorrow.
(There will probably be a quiz tomorrow to ensure you read the chapter ;) )
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
English 12
1. "Reunion" rewrite and "Bananafish" response due.
2. Background (notes) for "The Destructors"
3. Read "The Destructors"
4. Address questions 7 and 8 on page 380 - re-read the story and take note of page numbers.
We will be working with this story tomorrow.
*paradox and allegory
*power, youth and innocence (or lack thereof)
English 11 (Block 2)
1. "Lamp at Noon" re-write due (attach first draft and hand in).
2. Finish "Harrison Bergeron" assignment in-class (due at the bell).
- Should be 12-15 sentences.
- Must include a min. of 5 introduced, integrated, explained, and cited quotations
English 11 (Block 4)
1. "Harrison Bergeron" re-write due (attach first draft and hand in).
2. Finish "The Lamp at Noon" assignment in-class (due at the bell).
- Should be 12-15 sentences.
- Must include min. of 5 quotations (introduced, integrated, explained, and cited).
1. "Reunion" rewrite and "Bananafish" response due.
2. Background (notes) for "The Destructors"
3. Read "The Destructors"
4. Address questions 7 and 8 on page 380 - re-read the story and take note of page numbers.
We will be working with this story tomorrow.
*paradox and allegory
*power, youth and innocence (or lack thereof)
English 11 (Block 2)
1. "Lamp at Noon" re-write due (attach first draft and hand in).
2. Finish "Harrison Bergeron" assignment in-class (due at the bell).
- Should be 12-15 sentences.
- Must include a min. of 5 introduced, integrated, explained, and cited quotations
English 11 (Block 4)
1. "Harrison Bergeron" re-write due (attach first draft and hand in).
2. Finish "The Lamp at Noon" assignment in-class (due at the bell).
- Should be 12-15 sentences.
- Must include min. of 5 quotations (introduced, integrated, explained, and cited).
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