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Thursday 22 January 2015

English 12
Provincial Prep
1. Hand in paragraphs (bonus).
2. Original Composition planning
- tips/strategies (argue the opposite, focus on word(s), approach via a lit device (personification, metaphor/allegory, perspective of object)
- sample topics
- formats (persuasive, expository, narrative, descriptive)
*Create brainstorming web and outline (writing essay tomorrow in-class)*
3. Study lit devices (quiz tomorrow):
- cacophony - archaic - synecdoche - personification - pastoral - paradox - juxtaposition - irony (3)
- epiphany - allusion - apostrophe - antithesis
- ode -  elegy - sonnet - anecdote

English 11 (2)
Final Exam Prep
1. Final exam format.
2. Original Composition planning/strategies.
3. Lit device review (quiz tomorrow).
4. Stand Alone Text
- multiple choice strategies - pre-reading strategies

English 11(4)
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in The Crucible paragraph.
2. Final exam format.
3. Original Composition planning/strategies.
4. Lit device review (quiz tomorrow).
5. Stand Alone Text
- multiple choice strategies - pre-reading strategies

**Please return novels**