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Wednesday 4 March 2015

Midterm Mark-Cutoff Today.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Chapter 1 Quiz.
2. Read Chapter 2 (finish for homework).
3. Work on Chapter 2 questions (you will have time to work on this tomorrow).
*Field-Trip: Julius Caesar at UFV Theatre Chilliwack, Tuesday, March 10th. 
- You would be missing 3rd and 4th block classes on Tuesday.
- The performance is 12-230 pm (we would be leaving by bus from SSS at 1120am).
- Tickets are $12 (if you can't afford this, we can find a way to get you there!).
**Please let me know if you are interested in coming by TOMORROW; if not enough students are interested, we will not be going.**
**Comm 12: We will be reading Julius Caesar this term so it would be helpful for you to see the stage version!**

English 11
Julius Caesar
1. Review Chapter 1 questions.
2. Read Chapter 2, answer questions (review tomorrow).
*Field-Trip: Julius Caesar at UFV Theatre Chilliwack, Tuesday, March 10th.
- You would be missing 3rd and 4th block classes on Tuesday.
- The performance is 12-230 pm (we would be leaving by bus from SSS at 1120am).
- Tickets are $12 (if you can't afford this, we can find a way to get you there!).
**Please let me know if you are interested in coming by TOMORROW; if not enough students are interested, we will not be going.**

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Chapter 1 Quiz.
2. Review Chapter 1 Questions.
3. Historical Background (notes).
4. Homework: Read Chapter 2, complete questions (discuss tomorrow). Be prepared for a chapter 2 / historical /lit device quiz tomorrow.
- WWI (1914-1919) - WWII (1939-1945) - utopia - dystopia - satire - allegory - metaphor - allusion - symbolism - theme - motif

Socials 11
Human Geography
1. Atlas Package (due Friday).
2. Intro card (Friday).
3. Population questions due Monday.
*Plan to have 30 terms (from old book) finished by the end of the week to keep on track.*