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Thursday, 30 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Essays returned.
2. Begin film - Gladiator.
3. Assignment: Write a paragraph comparing the plots, themes, and characters of Julius Caesar and Gladiator.
*7-12 sentences *theme and thesis statements *no quotations necessary *transition words and phrases
**Due: Tuesday, May 5th.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. In-Class Essay (due at the end of class).
2. Attach outlines to back.
3. Return novels.

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Essays/outlines/novels due.
2. Film: The Help.
3. Assignment: Write a paragraph comparing the themes of TKAM and The Help.
*7-12 sentences *theme and thesis statements *no quotations necessary *transition words and phrases
**Due: Tuesday, May 5th.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Unit Test (20 multiple choice), terms quiz (20).
2. Definitions due (homework check).
3. Exercises #7-13 due (homework check).
4. Interwar Years Paragraphs returned.
5. Watch: The Stumble to World War II documentary.
6. Homework: Read p.89-94, complete exercises #3 and 4 (review Monday).

Have a great weekend (tomorrow is Pro-D)!!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Complete essays, hand in.
2. Return books.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. In-Class essay (due tomorrow).
*You may not take your essay home. If you do not finish today, it will be returned to you tomorrow.*
*Outlines and novels due tomorrow.*

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. In-Class essay (due at the end of class).
*Outlines and novels due.*

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Finish term definitions (due tomorrow).
2. Study for Interwar Years test (tomorrow).
3. Study terms (quiz tomorrow).

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Report cards go home today.

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Multiple Choice returned (marked).
2. Continue working on essay. Due: tomorrow, end of class.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Hand in practice WAQ #3.
2. Finish Stanford Prison Experiment documentary (see yesterday's post for links).
- Is Nature or Nurture responsible for our behaviour? What would Golding argue?
3. Viktor E. Frankl interview (Man's Search for Meaning).
- What is Frankl's belief about human nature? What informs his opinion?
4. Essay Outlines (for marks, due tomorrow).
*One-page, one-sided* *Theme & Thesis* *Quotations*
**In-Class Essay: Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29th-Thursday, April 30th**

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. In-Class Essay (today and tomorrow; you may not take your essay home, it will be returned to you tomorrow to finish in-class).
2. Outlines due and novels returned TOMORROW at the end of class.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Continue working on Exercises #7, 9-13.
2. Continue working on Terms #23-50.
3. NOTE: Your Unit Test AND your Terms Quiz is on Thursday, April 30th.
4. Current Events? (Not for marks this term.)
*Next week: World War II.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Unit Test
- Part A: Closed-book, multiple choice.
- Part B: In-Class Essay (may use book, notes).
2. Essay portion of test due at the end of tomorrow's class (you may not bring home, will be returned to you tomorrow morning).
Example Theme & Thesis statement for A: 

Although man may have good intentions, they tend to be corrupted by power. In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, it is clear in the characters of Caesar, Cassius, and Antony, that man is often tempted by power and sometimes corrupted by it.

Example Theme & Thesis statement for B:

Sometimes, superstition plays a significant role in individuals' lives. In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the frequent inclusion of omens and dreams illuminate the difference between fate and free will, as the plot depends on characters' choices to heed or ignore the superstitious elements in the play.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Practice WAQs returned, hand in 2nd practice WAQ.
2. Read chapter 12 and analyze (finish novel).
3. Homework: Practice WAQ #3.
*Tomorrow: Stanford Prison Experiment, Viktor Frankl
**In-Class Essay: Wednesday April 29th-Thursday, April 30th (due)**
4. Begin Stanford Prison Experiment Documentary (to 12:40); finish tomorrow.
Learn more --> http://www.prisonexp.org/
4b. Tomorrow: Viktor Frankl's "Man Search for Meaning"

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Unit Test (Part A, multiple choice, closed book).
2. Essay outlines (one-page, one-sided) for one of the following prompts:
Using textual evidence (5-8 quotations I, I, C, E), describe how To Kill a Mockingbird examines the theme of.....
*Good vs. Evil*
*Fairness and Justice*
*Idealism vs. Reality*
**Note, you will end up blending these themes as they are all complementary**
3. In-Class Essay: Tuesday, April 28th-Wednesday, April 30th.
- Example theme statement:
Often individuals judge and persecute others out of fear.
- Example thesis statement:
In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, the many instances of gender, class, and race discrimination illuminate the prejudiced nature of mankind, often resulting in conflict.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Exercises #7-13, read p. 75-85 (these exercises for marks, due Thursday, April 30th.
**Note**Date Change: Terms #23-50 quiz AND Unit Test: Thursday, April 30th
- Current Events?
3. The Stock Market Crash Documentary.
4. Next week: World War II.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Finish reading Act V (finish play).
2. Finish questions.
3. Film adaptation.
**Monday, April 27th: Julius Caesar (closed-book) Test & In-Class Essay**

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Feedback on practice WAQ (spiritual allegory) - pick up @3pm in B113.
2. Read Chapter 11, analyze.
3. Homework: Second practice WAQ (analyze the novel from a psychological or political perspective) - due Monday.
**Monday, April 27th: Finish novel (read Chapter 12, analyze).**
*Next week: Viktor Frankl, Stanford Prison Experiment, In-Class Essay...*

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Quiz - Chapter 27 &28 + vocabulary.
2. Finish novel (read chapters 29-31), answer questions.
3. Homework: Decide on the type of essay you want to write (possible topics include: Good Vs. Evil, Discrimination, Fairness and Justice...Idealism vs. Reality in TKAM).
**Monday, April 27th: TKAM test (MC) + essay outlines**
*Tuesday, April 28th-Wednesday, April 29th In-Class Essay*

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Quiz - Terms 1-22.
2. Finish documentary.
3. Review Exercises #4-6.
*Exercises #7, 9-13/read p. 75-85/terms 23-50 - Thursday, April 20th
**Unit Test: Monday, May 4th**

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Review questions #9-11 of Act IV.
2. Film adaptation.
3. Read Act V, sc i.
4. Answer questions.
*Julius Caesar Test on Monday, April 27th.*

English 11
Lord of the Flies
*Chapter 10 Questions due - hand in.*
1. WAQ - Using textual evidence, describe how Lord of the Flies functions as a spiritual allegory.
*Due tomorrow.*
*Theme & Thesis statements* *5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E). *15-20 Sentences *Objective, present tense*

2. Tomorrow: Read Chapter 11, answer questions.
3. Next WAQ - Using textual evidence, describe Lord of the Flies functions as a political allegory.

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Review Chapters 23 and 24.
2. Read Chapters 25 and 26, answer questions.
3. Homework: Read Chapters 27 and 28, study vocabulary (quiz tomorrow).
*Tomorrow: Finish novel.
**Test (multiple choice + essay outline) = Monday, April 27th.
**In-Class Essay = Tuesday 28th-Wednesday 29th.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Documentary.
2. Review Exercises #2 and 3.
*Exercises #2-6/Read p.69-74/Terms 1-22 due tomorrow, Friday, April 24th.
*Exercises #7, 9-13/Read p. 75-85/Terms 23-50 for Thursday, April 30th.
**Unit Test - Monday, May 4th**

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Read Act IV (scenes i-iii).
2. Film adaptation.
3. Review questions #1-8 in-class.
*Homework: Finish questions #9-11, read the modern English version of Brutus' and Cassius' argument on www.nofearshakespeare.com (Act IV, sc ii).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Review Chapter 9.
2. Read Chapter 10, answer questions (due tomorrow).
3. Tomorrow: WAQ: Using textual evidence (5-8 quotations), describe how LOTF functions as a spiritual allegory.

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Read Chapters 21 and 22, answer questions.
2. Homework: Read Chapters 23 and 24, answer questions.
*Quiz tomorrow.*

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Finish WW1 test (20 minutes).
2. Exercises #2-6/Read p. 69-74 (due Friday, April 23rd).
2b. Terms 1-22 (quiz Friday).
3. Documentary (Thursday and Friday).

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Act III Quiz.
2. Read Act IV, sc i and ii.
3. Questions
4. Catch up/missing/late work (updated marks).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Freud's id/ego/superego (notes).
2. Chapter 8 Notes.
3. Read Chapter 9, answer questions (review tomorrow).

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Chapter 18 Quiz, review questions.
2. Read Chapters 19 and 20.
3. Answer questions.

Socials 11
World War I.
1. Unit Test (due at the end of class).
2. Current Events?

Monday, 20 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Read Act III, scenes ii and iii.
2. Film adaptation.
3. Finish questions.
4. Study for Act III quiz (tomorrow).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. WAQ returned.
2.  Read Chapter 8, answer questions.
3. Research: Christ/Devil Temptation in the Wilderness (Simon's allegory).
*Tomorrow: Chapter 9, Freud's theory continued.*

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Review Chapter 16.
2. Film adaptation.
3. Read Chapters 17 and 18.
4. Answer questions.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Map Quiz.
2. Review exercises #15-19.
3. NOTE: Date change: Unit Test TOMORROW.
3b. WAQ: Describe Canada's role in WWI.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Read Act II, sc iv, Act III sc i.
2. Complete questions, film adaptation.
*Monday: Read Act III, sc ii and iii.
3. Act III Quiz Tuesday, April 21st.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Review chapters 5 and 6.
2. Read chapter 7, discuss.
3. Complete questions (in-class).

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Review chapters 14 and 15.
2. Film adaptation.
3. Read Chapters 16 and 17.
4. Answer questions (finish for homework).

Socials 11
World War I
1. Terms #17-35 quiz (definitions due).
2. Review exercises #12-14.
3. Complete exercises 15-19.
3B. Watch Treaty of Versailles documentary
*Map Quiz Monday, April 20th.*
*Unit Test: Wednesday, April 22nd*
4. Current Events?

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Review answers for Act II, scene i.
2. Read Act II, scenes ii-iii.
3. Answer questions.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. WAQ due.
2. Read Chapter 5, discuss.
3. Homework: answer questions.

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Quiz - Chapters 6-11.
2. Read Chapter 12, answer questions.
3. Homework: Read Chapter 13, answer questions.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Continue exercises #12-19 (finish by Tuesday, April 21st).
2. Continue documentary from last class.
3. Terms #17-35 due Friday, April 17th (quiz).
4. Unit Test WWI: Wednesday, April 22nd.
*Note: #1 and 4 Tentative Dates*

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Act I Quiz.
2. Read Act II, sc i.
3. Answer questions.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Well-Answered-Question:
Approach chapters one through four from a Hobbesian perspective. How do the characters' words, thoughts, and actions support Hobbes' belief that the life of man in his natural state is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short"?
*Theme and thesis statements *12-15 sentences (min.) *5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) *You may argue the opposite (Locke).
Due: Tomorrow at 10am.

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Review Chapter 9.
2. Read Chapter 10, answer questions.
- Film adaptation.
3. Homework: Read Chapter 11, answer questions.
4. Quiz (Chapters 6-11) tomorrow, Wednesday, April 15th.

Socials 11 
World War I
1. Finish exercises #7-11 (homework check tomorrow).
2. Map (pre-WWI) due today (homework check).
--> Add the boundary changes (post WWI) --> homework check Monday, April 20th.
3. Terms #17-35 due Friday, April 17th (quiz).
4. Map Quiz (1914-1919) Monday, April 20th. - see pages 44, 52, 62 of your textbook.
5. Exercises #12-19 due Tuesday April 21st.
*Unit Test: Wednesday, April 22nd (tentatively).
**Watch: Armistace (and the reasons for the end of the war) - to 38:11, finish tomorrow.**

Monday, 13 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Review questions #5-6 (Act I, sc ii).
2. Read Act I, sc iii.
3. Film adaptation.
4. Complete questions (review in-class).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Review p. 57-63 & corresponding questions (#1-3).
2. Finish reading Chapter 4, review questions.
3. Homework: Read Hobbes' Theory of Man, Hobbes vs. Locke (handouts) --> be prepared to approach your WAQ from a Hobbesian perspective tomorrow.
--> Approach chapters one-four from a Hobbesian perspective. How do the characters' words, thoughts, and actions support Hobbes' belief that the life of man in his natural state is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short"?
*Theme and thesis statement *12-15 sentences (min.) *5-8 quotations *You may argue the opposite (Locke). *Due: TBA

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Review chapters 6 and 7.
2. Read: Chapters 8, answer questions.
3. Film adaptation.
4. Homework: Read Chapter 9, answer questions.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Terms quiz (#1-16); definitions due.
2. Continue working on Exercises #7-11 (finish by Wednesday).
3. Continue working on map of Europe (pre-WWI) - homework check tomorrow.
Europe Pre WWI
European boundary changes and treaties post-WWI
Europe in 1914 and in 1919 (new countries/boundaries).
4. Terms #17-35 due Friday, April 17th (quiz).
4b. Map Quiz (1914 vs. 1919) Monday, April 20th.
4c. Exercises #12-19 due Tuesday, April 21st.
4d. Unit Test - Wednesday, April 22nd (tentatively).

Friday, 10 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Read Act I, sc i-ii
2. Answer questions.
*Monday: Finish reading Act I (scene iii) and questions.*

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Review/discuss chapters 1-2 (notes).
2. Read chapter 3, answer questions.
3. Homework: Read p. 57-63 of Chapter 4 (to "The mask compelled them."), questions #1-3.
*Monday: Hobbes' theory. *Tuesday: WAQ

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Film adaptation.
1. Quiz (chapters 1-5).
2. Homework: read Chapters 6 and 7, answer questions (review Monday).

Socials 11
World War I
1. Continue documentary ("World War I: Canada's Role").
2. Review exercises #8 and 9.
3. Ensure terms 1-16 definitions complete for Monday (quiz).
4. Current Events? (Term 3 deadline April 15).
5. Map 1 (Europe before 1914) assignment due Tuesday, April 14th.
Map (Check p. 28, 35, 37, and 54 in the Counterpoints textbook for more maps).
*Exercises #7-11 due Wednesday, April 15th*
*Terms #17-35 due Friday, April 17th*
*Map 2 (post-war) due Friday, April 17th*

Have a great weekend! :)

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. 3 Theme Paragraphs due.
2. Notes: Plot diagram of Julius Caesar.
3. Read Act I, sc i; answer questions (reviewed tomorrow).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 1 Quiz.
2. Read Chapter 2, complete questions.
3. Focus on theme, symbol, allegory.

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Review Chapter 2.
2. Read Chapters 3 and 4 in-class, review questions.
3. Homework: Read Chapter 5, answer questions.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Review exercises #2, 5 (#4 is optional).
2. Documentary (Canada joins WWI, continue tomorrow).
3. Exercises 7-11 (due Wednesday, April 15th) - read p. 48-53.
4. Terms 1-16 quiz Monday (definitions due).
*Terms 17-35 due Friday, April 17th.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Please return novels from the previous unit ASAP!

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Continue working on 3 theme paragraphs (due tomorrow). Ensure you edit your paragraphs and have a theme statement for each paragraph, as well as 3-5 examples for each.
2. Tomorrow: Begin Act I, sc i.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Continue debate.
2. Books distributed.
- background & theme notes
- Hobbes, Freud
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1.
4. Tomorrow: Chapter 1 quiz 

English 10
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Paragraphs due, discuss (theme & motif).
2. Books distributed.
3. Homework: Read Chapter 1, questions.
4. Homework: Read Chapter 2, finish questions
Tomorrow: Discuss Chapters 1 and 2.
*Friday: Quiz (Chapters 1-5).

Socials 11
Human Geography
1. Hand in terms.
2. Term Quiz (mark, record).
3. Handout: The First World War - Order of Events (review tomorrow).
4. Documentary (Causes of WWI) - 20 mins.
5. Homework: Read p. 41-top of 47. Define terms 1-16. Complete "Exercise 3 - Order of Events", Exercises 2, 4, 5 due Friday.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Welcome back!!! Reminder: Term 3 Mark Cut-off is Wednesday, April 15th.

Comm 12
Julius Caesar
1. Of Mice and Men work returned, feedback.
2. Updated marks.
3. Return novels.
4. Distributed: Julius Caesar books.
5. Introductory assignment - Write 3 Paragraphs:
A. Betrayal and Trust (1-2 personal examples, 2-3 societal examples... Do you automatically trust people? Does society encourage us to trust others?).
Ex. Topic/Theme sentence: Often those who we trust the most betray us.
Everyone is worthy of trust until they betray it.
B. Fate vs. Free Will (1 personal example, 1 general example... Do we have the power to change the direction of our lives?).
Ex. Topic/Theme sentence: It is impossible to change the trajectory of your life.
Although one always has a choice, everything happens for a reason.
An individual decides his own fate.
C. Public vs. Private Identity (2-3 personal examples, 1-2 general. Which persona do we choose to reveal to others? Do we present different version of ourselves depending on audience/situation?).
Ex. Topic/Theme sentence: We only show the world the best version of ourselves.
An individual has the freedom to choose what persona the world sees.
*Each paragraph must be 5-10 complete sentences and must begin with a theme sentence.*
*Three paragraphs due Thursday, April 9th, 2015.*

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Work returned, feedback.
2. Updated marks. Return A Separate Peace novels.
3. Human Nature Survey/Discussion. (#1-4, continue tomorrow).
4. Novels distributed.
*Homework: Read Chapter 1.*
Chapter 1 Quiz, themes, background.

English 10
Animal Farm
1. Work returned, feedback, updated marks.
2. Return novels.
3. Finish film adaptation.
4. New Unit: To Kill a Mockingbird:
. Themes:
- Good vs. Evil - Education - Power & Power Structures - Fairness - Discrimination (class, gender, race) - Loss of Innocence & Coming of Age
- Public vs. Private Life - Religion; Being a Christian vs. Acting like a Christian - Mob Mentality.
5. Assignment (two paragraphs, due tomorrow).
- Respond to the theme of Discrimination and the motif of Public vs. Private life
- topic/theme statement for each paragraph - 7-10 COMPLETE sentences -2-3 examples for each paragraph (personal AND societal/general).
- novels distributed, introduction (themes).

Socials 11
Human Geography
1. Work handed back, updated marks, feedback.
2. Return Mr. G.'s books.
3. Time for Term Definitions (due tomorrow); not all of them :).
- Human Geography term quiz tomorrow /20)
4. Current Events? Deadline April 15th.
*Tomorrow: Intro to World War I.*