Welcome to our online classroom! Stay up to date with homework, marks, and announcements as well as find useful links and resources.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Good luck on exams, everyone!

It's been a pleasure teaching all of you this semester; good luck in the future :). 

*marks will be posted by Friday morning*

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

**Ensure you are here at least 30 minutes before your exam with all appropriate materials (blue/black pens, sharpened pencils with erasers, white-out)**
**I will be here every day during exam weeks; I'll be available for feedback/help on June 22nd and June 23rd - if you plan on coming in these days, please email me in advance.**

Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd (AM)
Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Ensure you have finished two info-text paragraphs and handed them in (for marks).
- You may do corrections on these for extra marks.
2. Review visual design/business letter format.
3. Review lit devices (provide definitions and examples); quiz.

Final Exam: Wednesday, June 17th (AM)
English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in late work.
2. Essays returned, feedback.
3. Lit Device quiz.

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (AM)
English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Hand in late work.
2. Essays returned, feedback.
3. Lit Device quiz.

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (PM)
Socials 11
Provincial Prep
1. Cumulative Review Test.
2. Essay feedback.
*If you are keeping your textbook until the exam, it will show up as "lost" on your fee statement. Don't worry about this. Ensure you bring your textbook(s) to the office on the day of the exam.*

Helpful links:

Lit Device Examples/Definitions

Practice Provincial Exams

Monday, 15 June 2015

Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd (AM)
Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Finish Original Comp good draft (hand in at the end of class).
2. Ensure you have finished two info-text paragraphs and handed them in (for marks).
- You may do corrections on these for extra marks.
3. Review visual design/business letter format.
4. Review lit devices (provide definitions and examples); quiz tomorrow.

Final Exam: Wednesday, June 17th (AM)
English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Original Comp essay #1 due.
2. Synthesis essay #2 due.
3. Today: Begin original comp essay #2 (different topic, different style) - due tomorrow.
4. Study lit devices (quiz tomorrow).

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (AM)
English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Synthesis Essay #2 due.
2. Work on Original Comp #2.
3. Review lit devices (provide definitions and examples). Quiz tomorrow.

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (PM)
Socials 11
Provincial Prep
1. Aboriginal Issues fake-quiz.
2. Provincial Essay writing.
3. Review (cumulative practice test tomorrow).

Friday, 12 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Feedback/consultation (essays).
2. Complete good draft of Original Comp practice essay (due Monday).
3. Study lit devices (quizzes Monday and Tuesday).

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Original Comp practice essay #1 due.
2. Today: Read two texts, complete multiple choice.
3. Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday) - theme & thesis, 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E), multi-paragraph.
4. Study lit devices (quizzes Monday and Tuesday).

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Original Comp Essay #1 (or #2) due.
2. Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday).
3. Study lit devices (quizzes Monday and Tuesday).

Socials 11
Provincial Prep
1. Review questions (government, prime ministers).
2. Review Aboriginal Issues' exercises.
3. Documentary: "Oka Standoff".
*This weekend, continue reviewing all units. Optional: Write one or two essays for feedback.*

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Info-Text Paragraph #2, hand in.
2. Essay consultation & feedback.
3. Tomorrow: reminders (visual design, business letter), feedback/reminders for info-text.
3. Tomorrow: Original Comp Essay good copy (due Monday, June 15th).
*Review lit devices (quiz Monday and Tuesday).

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay #1 (due tomorrow at the beginning of class).
2. Tomorrow: Synthesis Essay #1 returned, feedback; Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday, June 15th).
3. Review Lit devices (quiz Monday and Tuesday).

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay #2.
2. Tomorrow: Synthesis Essay #1 Feedback; begin Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday, June 15th).
*Review lit devices (quiz Monday and Tuesday).

Socials 11
French/Aboriginal Issues
1. French/English Issues Quiz.
2. Intro to Aboriginal Issues (p. 179-181); exercise #6 (complete for homework).
3. Residential Schools.
4. Tomorrow: Complete Aboriginal Issues (exercises #7 and 8): quiz Monday, June 15th.
**Monday, June 15th - Essay review/rough drafts/feedback**
**Tuesday, June 16th - Practice Test (Cumulative, covering all units).**
***Review political ideologies, government, and human geography (don't forget maps & diagrams!)

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Hand in Original Comp Essay Draft #1 (feedback tomorrow).
2. Read Info-Text #2 ("Tide reveals an ancient fishing culture").
- multiple choice
- paragraph (finish tomorrow)
*theme, thesis, 4-6 quotations (I, I, C, E).
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in Synthesis Essay #1.
2. Begin Original Comp Practice Essay #1 ("One experience can have the power to affect a person's life in a positive way").
- Theme & thesis (implicit or explicit, depending on essay type).
- Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive, or Narrative in style (or a combination of these).
- Multi-paragraph (4-6)
- Creative, voice, free of errors, expressive vocabulary
*Due at the end of tomorrow's class*
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay Draft #1 (hand in, feedback this week).
2.  Begin Original Comp Essay Draft #2 (different topic, different style).
- due at the beginning of Friday's class.
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

Socials 11
Quebec/Aboriginal Issues
1. Discuss: Should Quebec separate? (Pros and Cons, personal opinion.)
2. Review pages 170-179 (quiz tomorrow).
3. Provincial Exam Practice questions (Human Geography review).

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Continue Original Comp Practice Essay #1.
2. Begin Original Comp Practice Essay #2.
*Review Lit Devices*

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Work on Synthesis Essay #1 (due tomorrow at 952am sharp!).
2. Tomorrow: Original Comp Practice Essay #1.
*Review Lit Devices*
*Return The Crucible books!*

English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Complete Practice Essay #1.
2. Tomorrow: Practice Essay #2.
*Review Lit Devices*

Socials 11
French/English Relations
1. Finish notes.
2. Review p. 170-177.
2b. October Crisis documentary
*Tomorrow: Debate: Should Quebec separate from Quebec?*
*Quiz: Thursday, June 11th
3. Aboriginal Issues Quiz (p. 179-184) - Quiz: Monday, June 15th
**Practice Essays due Monday, June 15th (for feedback, not marks)**
**You should be reviewing NIGHTLY all units, especially ones from the beginning of the semester (government, human geography, WWI)**
**Review Maps (Canadian battles/Europe, Canada, Middle East)**
**Review/Practice questions Monday June 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd**

Monday, 8 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks, feedback on Provincial Practice exercises A-C.
2. Original Composition Practice (one essay due Thursday, June 11th).
- Today, write on one of the following topics:
A. Determination can help an individual succeed.
B. It turned into an adventure didn't expect.
- Theme and thesis (explicit or implicit).
- Multi paragraph (at least 3).
- Can be expository, persuasive, narrative, or a combination of these styles.
- Must address (but not simply re-state) topic.
- Be creative (connect to topic; make it less vague and boring!).
*Tomorrow, a different topic and a different style; get feedback*

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in The Crucible WAQs and books.
2. Synthesis Essay practice (due at the end of tomorrow's class).
*Wednesday and Thursday: Original Composition practice*
Theme and thesis
6-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) that make connections between the texts/support thesis

English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Synthesis essay feedback.
3. Original Composition practice topic:
- People learn from a variety of sources -
- Theme and thesis (explicit or implicit).
- Multi paragraph (at least 3).
- Can be expository, persuasive, narrative, or a combination of these styles.
- Must address (but not simply re-state) topic.
- Be creative (connect to topic; make it less vague and boring!).

Socials 11
Quebec and Aboriginal Issues
1. Fake Quiz on p. 160-168.
2. Timeline: Leaders & Parties (Quebec, separatism), notes (to Meech Lake Accord).
3. Tomorrow: October Crisis documentary.
4. Homework: Read p. 171-179 (quizzable).

Friday, 5 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Commencement Rehearsal @ Prospera.
*Next week: Original Comp Essay Practice*
*Review literary devices*

English 11
The Crucible
1. Read Act IV (finish play).
2. Film adaptation.
3. TWO Well Answered Question extended paragraphs due Monday, June 8th.
*Next week: Synthesis and Original Comp Essay Practice*
*Review literary devices*

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks (term 4 + overall).
2. Synthesis essay due today (feedback Monday).
*Next week: Original Comp Essay Practice*
*Review literary devices*

Socials 11
Canada 1980-2000
1. Quiz (exercises #7-10, to page 160).
2. Discuss pages 160-168 (peacekeeping), complete exercises #11 and 12 (quiz Monday).
3. The UN Peacekeeping Documentary
Rwandan Genocide
*Next week: Quebec and Aboriginal Issues*
*Provincial Exam Essays: June 15th & 16th*
- Tutorials June 22nd-23rd?

Congratulations Grad 2015!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Complete Info-Text paragraph (hand in for marks).
3. Complete Visual Design and Business letter (hand in for feedback).
*Tomorrow: Attendance at 830am, bus to commencement rehearsal 845am*
*Next week: Original Composition practice*

English 11
The Crucible
1. Discuss/analyze important quotations from Act III.
2. Film adaptation of Act II.
*Tomorrow: Finish reading Act IV.*
**Assignment change: TWO WAQs due Monday, June 8th, NOT three**

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Mark multiple choice questions from literary text.
2. Brainstorm/plan synthesis essay.
3. Examples given in-class.
A. Intro - Theme (what theme do both texts share?) + thesis (identify both titles and both authors and how the texts contrast) + sum up each text in one sentence each + transition
B. Body - 12-15 sentences --> Topic sentence, 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) that support your thesis, transition(s)
C. Conclusion - 3-4 sentences = re-state theme, thesis, summarize/conclude.
**Due at the END of TOMORROW's class*

Socials 11
PostWar Years
1. Fake-Quiz/Review exercises #5-7.
2. Discuss: George W. Bush & 9/11 (was it an inside job?).
3. Homework: Review up to p. 160, complete exercises #8, 10 (quiz tomorrow).

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

All classes - continue work started yesterday (homework check

Be nice to your TOC.


Monday, 1 June 2015

Comm 12 - Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd AM
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Provincial Prep - read literary text, complete multiple choice (be able to justify your answer).
*Tomorrow: Info-Text paragraph*
A. Literary Text & multiple choice - June 1st-2nd
B. Informational Text & multiple choice & paragraph - June 3rd-5th
C. Visual Design & Business Letter - June 8th-9th
D. Original Composition - June 10th-16th

English 11 - Final Exam - Wednesday, June 17th AM
The Crucible
1. Homework check: WAQ #1 draft.
2. Read Act II, discuss; important quotations.
*Final Crucible assignment (50 marks): "Essay and Discussion Topics":
*Choose 3 topics and write a WAQ for each topic (3 WAQs due Monday, June 8th)
*For each WAQ: - 12-15 sentences - theme and thesis - 3-4 quotations (I, I, C, E)
3. Schedule:
C. Act III (p. 83-120) Wednesday, June 3rd.
D. Act IV (p. 121-146) Friday, June 5th.
4. Final Exam Prep: Monday, June 8th - Wednesday June 16th

English 10 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th AM
Provincial Prep
1. Provincial Exam format review (Friday, May 29th)
3. Exam Prep:
A. Reading Comp & Multiple Choice (June 1st-June 3rd).
B. Synthesis Multiple Choice and Paragraphs (June 4th-9th).
C. Original Composition (June 10th-14th).
D. Writing & Grammar review (June 15th-16th).

Socials 11 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th PM
Canada 1980-2004
1. Quiz: p. 141-143.
2. Discuss p. 145-147, complete exercise #4, discuss (healthcare).
3. Homework: Read p. 143-147, complete exercises #2 and 3 (be prepared for quiz tomorrow).