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Wednesday 10 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Hand in Original Comp Essay Draft #1 (feedback tomorrow).
2. Read Info-Text #2 ("Tide reveals an ancient fishing culture").
- multiple choice
- paragraph (finish tomorrow)
*theme, thesis, 4-6 quotations (I, I, C, E).
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in Synthesis Essay #1.
2. Begin Original Comp Practice Essay #1 ("One experience can have the power to affect a person's life in a positive way").
- Theme & thesis (implicit or explicit, depending on essay type).
- Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive, or Narrative in style (or a combination of these).
- Multi-paragraph (4-6)
- Creative, voice, free of errors, expressive vocabulary
*Due at the end of tomorrow's class*
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay Draft #1 (hand in, feedback this week).
2.  Begin Original Comp Essay Draft #2 (different topic, different style).
- due at the beginning of Friday's class.
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

Socials 11
Quebec/Aboriginal Issues
1. Discuss: Should Quebec separate? (Pros and Cons, personal opinion.)
2. Review pages 170-179 (quiz tomorrow).
3. Provincial Exam Practice questions (Human Geography review).