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Friday 9 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Watch: Media Influence on TeensTeen biological and environmental factors..
2. Homework: Review module 5, complete 5-6 interview (present Tuesday).

Counselling 11
1. Watch: Social Anxiety documentary.
2. Response (1-2 pages, due Tuesday):
- Think of a time when you felt so anxious/shy you experienced physical discomfort. Describe your physical reactions and thoughts. Looking back, were your reactions rational? irrational? both?
Are you more or less extroverted now than when you were a child? What factors do you attribute to either changing/staying the same? When do you feel most comfortable (socially?) most uncomfortable? What tasks or situations cause you social anxiety? Why?

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Theme paragraphs due.
2.Theme/Thesis/Q.I. Review Quiz.
3.  Read Chapter 3 to p. 43.
- Complete questions #1-5.

Have a nice long weekend!