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Monday, 9 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 13
1. Review/discuss 12-12 to 12-14.
2. Discuss: Seasonal Issues.
3. Homework: Read p. 244-249 (take notes), complete exercises 13-1 and 13-2 (discuss tomorrow).

Counselling 11
1. Seasonal Issues (identification, goal formation, strategies).
2. Groups Round 2 -- "Holidaze" - Plan a group of 6-8 sessions focussed on Seasonal Issues.
- Group Pitch: Friday 13th/Monday 16th
- Detailed Session Plan & Brochure - Friday, November 20th.
- Practice Sessions: November 23rd-26th.
**Tomorrow go DIRECTLY to the library to research for your Groups**

Comm 12
1. Continue Bowling for Columbine.
*Reminder: two paragraphs and 5 short answer questions (from handout) (min. 4 complete sentences each) due Friday, 13th.
**Paragraph 2 topic:
Following watching Bowling for Columbine, has your opinion changed regarding the cause of violence in society, specifically, youth violence? Do you agree with Moore's approach/statements? Why or why not? You may choose to discuss some/any of the following in your answer:
- Violent music's influence on youth
- Violent video game's influence on youth
- The violent history of a nation (for example, slavery of blacks, massacre of Native Americans, wars, racism)
- Ethnic diversity
- Lack of gun control
*As with paragraph one, this paragraph should be 6-10 complete sentences - double-spaced - grammar, punctuation, spelling count*
*Due Friday, 13th.*
2. Updated marks/essays returned/feedback.

Reminder: Tomorrow blocks change for Remembrance Day Assembly - please dress formally.