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Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 14
1. Review readings, 14-4.
2. Discussion: Exercise, Faith (health benefits of).
3. Optimism exercise (3 negatives --> 3 positives).
4. Homework: Finish reading module (p. 265-273), exercises 14-5 to 14-7.
*Module 14 Quiz: Thursday, December 3rd.*

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psychology
1. Quotation integration example:
According to the Science Journal, individuals with OCD often exhibit "repetitive routines" that can sometimes be harmful (sciencejournal.org). These routines may include excessive hand-washing, neurotic impulse to turn lights on and off, and to check that doors are locked and appliances are turned off before leaving the home.
*Remember you need 6-10 quotations in your research paper, introduced, integrated, cited, and explained.*
*More on Works Cited list tomorrow.*
2. Continue researching Topic.
**Essay due Friday, December 4th, Presenting Friday, Dec. 4th-Monday Dec. 7th.

Comm 12
1. Brainstorming - Stereotyping - paragraph response:
- What are the negative effects of stereotyping? Are there any positive stereotypes? Describe a stereotype that people have attributed to you. Describe a time when you stereotyped others.
2. Paragraph criteria:
- 8-12 complete sentences - theme statement - grammar/punctuation/spelling - DOUBLE-SPACE please - theme statement (first sentence, for example: Stereotypes are generalizations, usually negative, that exist because humans judge other humans based on fear, ignorance, and insecurity.)
3. Tomorrow: Begin novel, booklets distributed. *Booklet due Dec. 15th. *Essay due Dec. 17th*