Eng 11(S)
1. Handed in "The Lottery" questions
2. Read "The Rocking-Horse Winner" Read the story here
3. Discuss themes in the story (neglect, faulty set of values, greed, luck, opportunism, obsession)
4. Discussed importance of Paul's age, the author's use of non-verbal communication, Freudian undertones (Oedipal complex)
5. Paragraph: Write a paragraph to "end" the story with a focus on what Paul's mother will do/become after Paul's death. Will she become a better person or stay the same? You may write either an opinion paragraph or fictional paragraph in the same style as the story.
Next class: More theme and symbol in "The Rocking-Horse Winner"; choose a topic to write a literary analysis paragraph on.
Comm 11
1. Finished "Planet Earth" film
2. Reviewed adjectives/adverbs
3. Wrote a descriptive paragraph describing a scene from the film
Criteria: AT LEAST: 5 adjectives and 5 adverbs (circled or underlined), 5-10 sentences, topic and concluding sentences, transitions
Next class: Hand in descriptive paragraph, last short story...
Eng 10E
1. Finish "The Way Up to Heaven" Partner Activity and hand in
2. Mark "The Way Up to Heaven" movie sheet and hand in
3. Descriptive writing activity: 'Chocolate' paragraph (due tomorrow)
4. Adverbs/Adjectives; Parts of Speech handout
Next class: Hand in descriptive paragraph, last short story...
Eng 11L
1. Read "My other self"
2. Reviewed adjectives and adverbs for descriptive writing
3. "Set the scene" --> write an anecdotal paragraph to set up your narrative essay; focus on all the senses
4. Narratives (paragraph and/or essay, FIRST DRAFT) due Thursday
Next class: Hand in essay/paragraph, lit term review quiz