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Thursday, 2 February 2012


1. Finish character sketch of Miss Strangeworth from "The Possibility of Evil"
Consider questions #2, 3, 4, 5
2. Theme (PowerPoint) If you weren't in class, review basic theme ideas Theme
3. Point of View:
1st Person = Narrator tells the story of “I”
3rd Person/Limited omniscient = Tells the story of “he” or “she”
Omniscient = All knowing
4. Theme inference worksheet
5. QUIZ on "The Possibility of Evil" and story elements TOMORROW

Comm 11

1. Finish reading "The Lamp at Noon"
2. In-class assignment: Questions 2 and 5 and a character sketch on Paul OR Ellen
3. Theme and Point of View
4. QUIZ on "The Possibility of Evil" and story elements TOMORROW

Eng 10E

1. Complete character sketch on Laker OR Mr Olsen (from "The Kindness of Strangers") OR yourself OR any character from a movie or book
2. Theme and Point of View
3. Theme inference worksheet
4. QUIZ on story elements TOMORROW

Eng 12L

1. Read Carol Geddes' "Growing Up Native" Full text
2. CBC video
3. Narrative Essay How-To
4. Brainstorm a topic for  your own narrative