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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Eng 11(S)

1. Mark Act II questions
2. Writing activity (due tomorrow, Wednesday 29th)
Write a letter or a journal entry from the perspective of a character in "The Crucible," with an emphasis on the sin(s) you are guilty of. You may write a letter to God for forgiveness, an advice letter to another character, or a journal entry in which you confess about your heretical private life.
Marking criteria: - 2 pages double-spaced - quotes or paraphrasing from the play (either in your writing or as a footnote to explain your 'inspiration' for this letter) - proper grammar/sentence structure - interesting vocabulary - engaging narrative voice
*Tomorrow's class: Act II Quiz

Comm 11

1. Finish "TBS"
2. Cause/Effect, Plot graph
3. Begin Nature vs. Nurture essay outline

Eng 10E

1. Diction Exercise #1
2. Finish chapter 6-8 questions
3. Mark 6-8 questions as a class
4. Chapter 8 reflection due tomorrow

Eng 11L

1. Lit Circle Discussion, handout for book review (due at the end of Lit Circle unit)
2. New jobs for Thursday: DD - Cass, Josh, LL - Meghan, Mikayla, VE - Brodie, Holly, I - Tyler, Cam, C - Joey, Kelsea
3. Read p. 114-160