1. Essay prep:
- Compare "The Lottery" and "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
- Themes/Symbols (greed/money/luck/the family dynamic)
- Irony (for example, Tessie ensuring her dishes are washed before the lottery or Paul's mother finally coming into money at the expense of her son's misfortune a.k.a. his death).
* You will need 3 quotes from each story to use as evidence *You may cite the films
2. Finished watching "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
3. Complete and hand in "The Rocking-Horse Winner" paragraph (write a paragraph to 'end' the story in which you explore Hester's - Paul's mother - motivations and development; will she change? what will she do?). *Finish the story, not the film. *You may write either in the form of a non-fiction opinion or in the style of the story.
Comm 11
1. Hand in "Harrison Bergeron" questions
2. Define 'fairness' and 'equality' - what's the difference? Brainstorm examples
3. Write a paragraph comparing fairness and equality
4. Grammar review
Eng 10E
1. Hand in "Belonging to the Dragon" questions
2. Noun and Verb worksheet
3. Grammar: Homonyms (they're/their/there, it's/its)
4. Short story writing assignment (handout and discussion)
- Begin your outline/brainstorm for your story
Eng 11(L)
1. Read "Students Lack Basic Skills" (non-fiction), discussion questions
2. Brainstorm topics for argumentative/persuasive essay:
- teen tanning - death penalty (capital punishment) - discrimination/stereotyping (profiling) - abortion - drug legalization - gay marriage - 'Toddlers and Tiaras' - 'Jersey Shore' - Facebook - global warming - stem cell research - religion - animal testing - drinking laws/cell phone laws - obesity - insurance premiums - First Nations' rights
- Choose a topic
- Decide your opinion/stance
- Decide on evidence (gather research, remember counterpoints/counter arguments)
*Remember, no matter what your stance and topic, be respectful of the people/subject you are arguing about