Eng 11(S)
1. Mark chapter 10 questions
2. Read chapter 11
3. Notes for chapter 11
4. Time to work on map (DUE THURSDAY)
- ensure you have:
- lagoon - beach pool - the platform - the orchard - the scar - mountaintop with signal-fire - the huts - location of "the beast" - the burned-out quarter mile - location of Lord of the Flies - Castle Rock - Jack's force - location of Piggy's death - the jungle - location of Simon's murder - important journey's made by the characters
(the more effort - i.e. colouring, extra locations - the higher mark you'll receive)
5. Tomorrow: quiz on chapter 11
Comm 11
1. Rough draft essay
2. One-on-one consultations
**Essay good draft due Wednesday**
Eng 10E
1. Homework check: character sketch
2. Spelling pre-test #6
3. Questions for Act I
4. Read Act II
Eng 12L
1. Hand in work for chapters 16-20 of "Dorian Gray"
2. Essay Topics
3. Film adaptation