Eng 11(S)
1. Hand in missing/late work (maps, writing activities)
2. Study for Lord of the Flies test (tomorrow)
Comm 11
1. Browse newspaper articles
2. Rough draft: letter to the editor
3. You should have three rough copies by the end of today, tomorrow good copy, entire unit due Thursday
Eng 10E
1. Spelling pre-test #7
2. Twelve Angry Men test
3. Hand in missing/late work (journal, afterward)
4. If finished all of the above, create sentences (15) for this week's spelling list
Eng 11L
1. Read chapter 6
2. Map (20 minutes)
3. LOTF: Doh!
4. Questions for chapter 6
5. Homework: Read chapter 7 (finish questions for chapter 6 and 7)
Tomorrow: Healthy Living Day!