Eng 11(S)
1. Homework check (at end of today's class):
sc ii - Q#1
sc iii - Q#2
sc iv: - Q#1,2
2. Today's assignment (homework check tomorrow)
sc v - no questions
sc vi - Q#2,3
3. Analysis of Act III
4. Study for Act III quiz (tomorrow)
Comm 11
1. Mark Act III questions
2. Act III quiz
3. Notes for Act IV
4. Missing work to be handed in?
1. Homework check: All definitions complete
2. Poem #1 Analysis (Provincial Exam practice)
3. Fiction + comprehension questions (Provincial Exam practice)
Eng 12L
1. Homework check chapters 3 and 4
2. Personality Traits, "You be the Shrink"
3. Read chapter 5-7
4. Journal and Lists, Bonus