Eng 11S
1. Finish reading Macbeth
2. Time to work on Act V questions
3. Handout: Macbeth final project (due June 6th) - you must have your project/group members chosen by FRIDAY
*Tomorrow: Act V quiz and film
*Tuesday, May 28th Unit Test*
Comm 11
1. Hand in late work/corrections
2. Crucible Unit test
*Tomorrow: essay planning
*Friday: in-class essay
Eng 10E
1. Grammar quiz - mark and record
2. Prov 2008 reading passage 2 and M.C. questions
3. Begin Current Event 4 (due Friday)
4. Review terms G-N (quiz Friday)
Eng 11L
1. Finish and hand in LOTF essays
2. Hand in LOTF novels
3. Review tests
4. Options for our last 8 classes! (poetry, exam prep, superfastmacbeth?!)