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Tuesday 2 October 2012

English 10E

1. Character sketch of Mrs. Foster is past due.
2. "The Possibility of Evil"
- vocabulary words (we will have a quiz Friday): appropriation, debate, informal, proverbial, daintily, fragrant, hesitate, luxury, potential, banished
- Questions 1-4 due tomorrow (Wednesday)
3. Tomorrow we will be working on a character sketch of Miss Strangeworth

Communications 12

1. Handout - questions and essay topics for A Modest Proposal
2. Worked on questions 1-3 together in class (these are due tomorrow). All 9 questions are due Friday.

English 11

1. Handout: 13 Methods of Propaganda ("Propaganda: How Not To Be Bamboozled" by Donna Woolfolk Cross)
2. Watch Obama's 2009 U.S. Congress Address regarding Healthcare reform FULL TEXT(handout of text)
3. Assignment: Find evidence of the methods of propaganda as outlined by Wollfolk Cross in Obama's address. **This may also be used as an essay topic if you're still struggling to decide what to write about. Remember, your paper is due October 10th**
-- Other options: Obama's 2010 State of the Union Address: FULL TEXT
Obama's http://www.npr.org/2011/01/26/133224933/transcript-obamas-state-of-union-address

Questions to consider for your paper: 

1. What is the ultimate rhetorical goal of the speech? What does the speaker seem to be trying to get the audience to accept or agree with?
2. What themes play out throughout the speech? For example, does the speaker focus on unity? strength? patriotism?
3. Why do you think the speaker relies on the themes you’ve identified in your answer to #2 above? How do those themes help him achieve his rhetorical goal?
4. What is the overall tone of the speech (i.e. somber? celebratory? hopeful?)? How does the tone contribute to the rhetorical goal?
5. What propaganda devices (if any) are you already noticing in the speech?
6. How effective do you think the speech is? Why?

Remember: Propaganda is meant to persuade us, and inclusive in persuasion is the idea of the speaker's bias/perspective. This could be a jumping off point for your paper.