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Friday 9 May 2014

English 12
Catcher in the Rye
1. Read/discuss chapters 10-12.
2. Assignment: Madonna/Whore Complex T-Chart
- Holden seems to only be able to view females as innocent or "whorey", is this merely a reflection of his arrested development resulting from Allie's death, or are there other issues at work here? Does it further the idea of Holden as unable to fit in anywhere (too old to be young, too young to be old)? Remember, Holden's reference to his own loneliness and isolation is constant, and in terms of sex, he yearns for connection but is afraid of intimacy. The reader must ascertain whether this is "normal" for his age or if it speaks to Holden's instability.
*Provide 5-8 quotations for each side of the chart, describing the women and details for each scene in terms of how Holden relates (or fails to relate) to women/girls*
3. Analysis:
- At sixteen, he already knows a lot about cocktails and what’s appropriate when. He’s already got
adult opinions. He’s already aware of what’s “not done” and is very judgmental about anyone who
strays from the proper way of doing things, which shows how conflicted he is. He doesn't want to follow
the narrow rules of society, but he’s judgmental about others who don’t know the rules.
- Holden is confused and insecure himself. By criticizing others, he’s establishing his own superiority
and trying to make himself feel better. If he can show everyone else is a phony, then he can believe
he’s not.

Psychology 11
Module 13
1. Module 13 Open-Book quiz.
2. Negativity Journals Due.
*Next week: Begin the Cognitive Domain, Module 15 (skipping Module 14).

English 10E
1. Review multiple choice questions for poems received yesterday.
2. Begin compare/contrast paragraph: "Gracious Goodness" and "To Have Succeeded".
- Prompt: Using quotations from both texts, describe how each author defines success.
- Criteria:
*Must refer to both texts (i.e. quotations from both, integrated and cited).
*Theme statement *Thesis
*Concise and precise *Grammar/punctuation/diction
{Due date: TBA}
3. Literary device review: Term definitions and examples