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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

All Classes (English 12, English 11):

1. Theme statement checklist (we will be referring to this a lot this semester):
- theme must be stated as a complete sentence
- theme is a generalization about life
- the generalization cannot be larger than the story allows
- theme is the control and unifying concept
- theme is not a moral or lesson
- there is no one way to state theme

2. Peer edit (you will receive marks based on the effort you put into editing someone else's work):
- theme statement (fits six conditions)
- thesis (clear argument)
- each paragraph: 6-12 sentences (if not, state "under-developed")
- each paragraph: topic AND concluding sentences
- enough (minimum 3) supporting points/examples that are EXPLAINED
- argument flows (transitions? too many grammatical errors?)
- did they convince YOU?

3. Draft #2 = a good copy of Draft #1, inclusive of changes based on the feedback from your peer editor
*must be double-spaced, blue/black ink OR double-spaced, typed
*you will be handing in BOTH draft #1 and 2 on TOMORROW.

4. Literary Device review:
- connotation - metaphor - allusion - allegory - symbol - irony [3 types] - imagery - hyperbole - alliteration - simile - foreshadowing - colloquial - juxtaposition - dissonance - apostrophe - paradox - pathos - satire
*you should be familiar with the definition and be able to identify/create examples for each device