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Tuesday 30 September 2014

English 12

1. "Reunion" feedback
- option to re-write for an improved grade (due tomorrow)
*common problems:
- quotation integration, citation, explanation
- weak/missing theme statements, thesis
- write in present tense
- "uses pathos" --> try, 'The author evokes pathos...', '________ is humourous....', Charlie's father's actions are grotesque...'
2. Option to re-write "Bananafish" response (an introduction to a hypothetical essay analyzing the story) and hand it in tomorrow.
(Work period, editing.)

English 11(Block 2)

1. "The Lamp at Noon" feedback
*common problems:
- quotation integration, citation, explanation
- weak/missing theme statements, thesis
- write in present tense
--> work through example as a class
-->re-write option (due tomorrow @ 953am).
2. "Harrison Bergeron"
--> option to work on a second draft tomorrow and hand in at the end of tomorrow's class.

English 11 (Block 4)

1. "Harrison Bergeron" feedback
*common problems:
- quotation integration, citation, explanation
- weak/missing theme statements, thesis
- write in present tense
--> work through example as a class
-->re-write option (due tomorrow @ 120)
2. "The Lamp at Noon" response due tomorrow @ 236.