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Friday 12 December 2014

English 12
1. Read chapters iv and v; discuss.
Points to consider:
- How does Julia illuminate the slogan IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH? What the broader implications of such ignorance? How does Winston's rebellion and thought process differ from Julia's? Why is it unlikely that Winston and Julia will ever successfully rebel?
- Elaborate on the significance of the coral paper-weight and the room above Mr. Charrington's shop. In what ways are they sanctuaries? Describe Mr. Charrington. Why does Winston feel he can trust him?
- Of what is Winston afraid? What is the significance of Winston's changing appearance?
2. Homework: Read up to and including chapter 8 (to p. 179).
Points to consider as you read:
- In many respects, O'Brien is the most important character in the novel, although at this point Orwell has not characterized whim with the same depth as either Winston or Julia. On what pretense does O'Brien approach Winston? What inferences suggest that O'Brien might be less than honest? What concrete evidence does Winston have that a Brotherhood does exist?
- What is foreshadowed by the chilling sensation Winston feels as he talks with O'Brien Besides fear, what other emotions might have provoked these sensations?
- Orwell interweaves the themes of betrayal and hope in this critical chapter (vii). Discuss how Winston has arrived at his conclusion that the hope for the future lies in the proles. What has Winston learned about universal human emotions from his dreams? What believe dominates Winston and Julia's belief that they will not betray one another?
- Analyze the reasons for Winston's willingness to believe in O'Brien. Discuss the implications of the recurring phrase "place whether there is no darkness" versus O'Brien's statement that Winston will "always be in the dark."
*Quiz on BOOK TWO, chapters 1-8 Monday.*

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. WAQ quizzes returned.
2. Discuss chapter 5.
3. Chapter 6, questions.
*Be prepared for a WAQ Monday comparing the quotation "...I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again" (54) and the passage that includes "I lost a part of myself to [Phineas] then...soaring sense of freedom...my purpose:...to become a part of Phineas" (77). Guide your understanding of these quotations with the thematic perspective of 'Codependency leads to a loss of identity'.

English 11(4)
Lord of the Flies
1. Review chapter 5 and 6.
2. Read chapter 7 and 8, finish questions for both chapters (discuss Monday, be prepared for a quiz).

Have a good weekend!