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Monday 15 December 2014

Midterm marks are due tomorrow morning; your mark at the end of today is the mark being sent home (I will count assignments that are emailed to me by 8pm).

English 12
1. BOOK TWO quiz (chapters 1-8, open-book). *Must be finished in-class.*
2. Homework: Finish reading BOOK TWO (chapters 9 and 10). Answer the following questions and be prepared to discuss tomorrow:
Chapter 8
1. How Winston so easily accepts O’Brien as a political conspirator is a problem for readers who accept his intelligence and intuitiveness. Analyze the reasons for Winston’s willingness to believe in O’Brien. What details imply that O’Brien is not what he seems?
2. Discuss the implications of the recurring phrase “place where there is no darkness,” versus O’Brien’s statement that Winston will “always be in the dark.”
Chapter 9
1. What effect does the book have on Winston? What does he learn from reading it? What is the unanswered question? What does he learn about himself?
2. What is Julia’s interest in the book? In view of the way Orwell has developed her character, are you
surprised by her reaction? Why or why not?
Chapter 10
1. Many of the developments in this chapter revolve around Winston’s newly-formed acceptance of the universality of all people. Explain how Winston comes to that realization. How does the sight and sound of the prole woman affect Winston? Why does Winston believe that the future lies with the proles?
2. Tell how the events in this chapter are an extension of the “Big Brother Is Watching You” motif.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 5/6 quiz.
2. Read chapter 7, answer questions.
3. Homework: Read chapter 8, answer questions.

English 11 (4)
Lord of the Flies
1. Discuss chapters 7 and 8.
2. Read chapter 9, complete questions.
3. Homework: Read chapter 10, complete questions.