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Monday 23 February 2015

Comm 12
1. Check updated marks, check missing assignments (if they are not in by Wednesday, it's too late).
2. Read Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery".
3. Film adaptation of "The Lottery" ==> Film (part 1/2)Film (2/2)Discussion of the story.
4. Discuss symbolism, irony, and theme.
*Theme examples:
- The danger of following tradition. - The danger of mob-mentality.
- Inequalities between men and women. - Scapegoats.
*Tomorrow: WAQ for "The Lottery" (due Wednesday).

English 11
1. Check updated marks, feedback on WAQs, check missing assignments (if they are not in by Wednesday, it's too late).
2. Discuss metaphor, imagery, characterization, theme in "The Painted Door." (You can find the full text online and the film adaptation links in Thursday, February 19th's post.)
3. WAQ for "The Painted Door" topic:
Using textual evidence, describe how metaphor and imagery illuminate theme in "The Painted Door".
- Theme and thesis statements
ex. Isolation can exacerbate negativity. In Sinclair Ross' "The Painted Door", imagery describing both the physical and metaphorical storm illuminates the isolation between Ann and John and its devastating consequences.
- transitions
- 5 quotations (I,I,C,E); must have 3 lit examples *must support your thesis - only use the most important part - no more than 7 words in a row!*
ex. Although Ann concedes that "[a]ll farmers' wives have to stay alone," she is unable to ignore her maddening loneliness (228).
- concluding sentences (re-state theme and thesis in different words).
*objective, present-tense, and double-spaced*
**Due (tentatively) at the end of Tuesday's class.

English 10
1. Check updated marks, feedback on WAQs, check missing assignments (if they are not in by Wednesday, it's too late).
2. Homophone review quiz (not for marks today...).
3. Discuss "The Possibility of Evil" by Shirley Jackson.
4. Discuss/notes for "The Possibility of Evil" (questions #2, 3, 6).
- irony, metaphor, theme
5. WAQ for "The Possibility of Evil" topic:
Using textual evidence, discuss how irony and metaphor illuminate theme in "The Possibility of Evil."
- Theme, thesis - Minimum 3 quotations (I, I, C, E) - transitions - concluding sentences
*objective, present tense, and double-spaced*
**Due at the beginning of Wednesday's class.

Social Studies 11
1. Term Quiz #1-37 (mark, record).
- Hand in definitions for homework completion marks.
2. Discuss (and hand in) Democracy essays (you may have ONE extra day; no penalty for handing in tomorrow - ensure you review the example essay given today VVV).
3. Handout - Essay: "Representative Government in Canada versus True Democracy" (discuss).
Essay example
4. Review/debate Exercises #10 (continue tomorrow).
5. Current Events.
6. Homework: Exercises #9-15 (discuss tomorrow).
**Terms #38-74 Quiz: Thursday, Feb 26th.** (ensure your definitions homework is complete for this day)
**Government Review Quiz: Monday, March 2nd**
**Canadian geography quiz Tues, March 3rd**