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Wednesday 25 February 2015

Comm 12
1. Continue working on "The Lottery" well-answered question. *Due tomorrow.*
*Tomorrow: Intro to Of Mice and Men.

English 11
1. Continue working on "The Painted Door" well-answered question. *Due tomorrow.*
2. Tomorrow: Read Sinclair Ross' "The Lamp at Noon".
*You will be writing a synthesis essay comparing and contrasting the two works (Using textual evidence, analyze how setting and imagery illuminate theme in "The Painted Door" and "The Lamp at Noon"); 6-8 quotations.
*Next week: A Separate Peace.

English 10
1. "The Possibility of Evil" well-answered question Due.
- you may have today's class to edit/finish. Hand in at the end of today's class.
2. Study homophones for tomorrow's class.

Socials 11
1. Essays returned.
2. Questions about exercises #9-15?
3. Review exercise #17.
Government Diagram
4. Current Events?
Homework: Exercises #18-21 (discuss tomorrow).
Reminder: Term Quiz (#38-74) on Friday, February 27th.