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Tuesday 22 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. "Genie" questions due.
2. Review p. 39-45, 3-2, 3-3.
3. Compare/Discuss:
- parents' vs. peers' influence
- similarities/differences between you and a sibling/parent
(You will be writing a research paper explaining to what extent nature and nurture has influenced you...more details to come.)
4. Homework: Finish reading chapter and take notes.

Counselling 11
Interview Skills
1. Active Listening (con't)
- types of questions
- reflection, paraphrasing, re-framing, summarizing, agreeing
2. Time with group (Pitch Presentation Friday).
3. Tomorrow: WEX coordinator (come with questions); communication blockers; triad practice.

Comm 12
1. Homework check: Essay Outline
2. Practice Essay (4 paragraphs; each paragraph = 5-10 complete sentences).
-- Due Thursday @130 pm
3. Updated marks.