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Friday 25 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. 3-8, 3-9 (discuss).
2. Plan Nature/Nurture essay (due Tuesday, September 29th).
- Thesis statement - 4-6 full paragraphs - 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) - Works Cited
*Next week: Zimbardo's experiment..., Module 4.

Counselling 11
1. Group pitch presentations and brochures due.
2. Next group project: Planning 2.0 (brainstorming).
3. Reminder: WEX apps due Monday.
*Next week: Self-Care, Healthy Living, Decision-Making, Role-Play practice.
*Active Listening Quiz Monday/Tuesday.*

Comm 12
1. Practice essay (4 complete paragraphs) + completed essay outline due today by the end of class.
2. Introduction to OMAM --> Review plot structure, literary devices.

Have a fabulous weekend!