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Thursday, 2 June 2016

English 12
Provincial Prep & Short Stories
1. "The Destructors" WAQ due @ 831AM.
2. Provincial Practice:
- Part A ("The Globe"); multiple choice (reading comp)
- Part B ("The Quarter Horse Colts"); multiple choice (reading comp)
+ WAQ (Citing examples of imagery, identify the theme of "TQHC"): Due tomorrow at 915AM.
- theme, thesis statements - 4-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) - transitions - conclusion - mechanical error free
3. Next up: Synthesis Essay practice
**Provincial Exam: Friday, June 24th (AM)**

Socials 10
Modern Canada
1. Complete Unit 7 Test Written (with the exception of the four students whose test was due yesterday).
2. Unit 1 Geography (booklet distributed).
- Homework:
- read p. 2-15 (textbook)
- complete 1.1 Intro questions
- complete Map & Atlas work (label, colour, longitutde, latitude)
*homework check: Monday, June 6th.
**Final Exam: Tuesday, June 21st (AM)**

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Review synthesis texts (multiple choice).
2. Prep synthesis essay (due tomorrow).
- Criteria:
- theme, thesis statements - 6-8 quotations (taken from both texts) - transitions - mechanical error free
**Final Exam: Monday, June 20th (AM)**