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Monday, 6 June 2016


English 12
Provincial Prep & Short Stories
1. Read Sylvia Fraser's "My Other Self."
- questions: #2, 3 (Style); #2 and 3 (Structure) --> discuss
2. Original Comp Essay practice prompt: Emotions can get the better of us.
- #6 (Process).
- Essay should be anecdotal in nature, focusing and describing in detail one scene of your life in which your emotions got the better of you.
- Criteria: theme and thesis are implicit (do NOT write the topic in your essay).
- multi-paragraph (this is not a formulaic lit analysis essay; standard expectations shift for this type of writing)
- To get a 5 or 6 on this assignment, your essay will need to be descriptive, focused, and include literary devices (metaphor, simile, imagery) and sophisticated vocabulary.
- should be mostly mechanical error-free
*Due: Wednesday, June 8th @ 830am*
**Provincial Exam: Friday, June 24th (AM)**

Socials 10
1. Homework check: map, 1.1-1.3 questions completed, and you should have up to page 24 read.
- for 1.3 contour mapping, focus on getting the first two maps drawn; the other two are optional/bonus.
2. Watch: "The Appalachians" and the beginning of "The Atlantic Coast" (continue tomorrow).
- Ensure you complete 1.2 assignment: including how regions were formed, what resources they contain, and what environmental risks they face.
3. Homework:
- read p. 25-33
- answer 3.4 climate questions and complete graphs.
4. Unit 1 Test: Thursday, June 9th (booklet due) -Friday, June 10th (tentatively).
- Topic: Explain how Canada's geography has impacted its development and populations (you will need to describe three regions of Canada, both in terms of geologic processes as well as settlement and development).
**Final Exam: Tuesday, June 21st (AM)**

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Synthesis essays returned, updated marks.
1b. Read "The Head Cook at Weddings and Funerals."
- answer multiple choice
- paragraph question (in-class WAQ tomorrow).
2. Review lit devices (quiz coming).
**Final Exam: Monday, June 20th (AM)**