Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Review assignment (questions #30-39).
2. Finish documentary.
3. Complete essay outline, review.
*Unit 5 booklet due Tuesday at the beginning of class.*
*Unit 5 test + essay: Tuesday-Wednesday*
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 1-4 questions due.
2. Chapter 1-5 test + WAQ (due at the end of class).
English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 1-4 questions due.
2. Chapter 5...
- read, analyze, important quotations
3. Future WAQ/essay planning.
*Return missing ASP/TC books*
Socials 11
World War II
1. Continue Schindler's List.
2. Review for WWII test/add to essay outline.
3. Next week: The Home-Front, Aftermath of WWII, Unit test (closed book, no outline).
Have a good weekend.