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Friday, 9 December 2016

Socials 10
Unit 6
1. Notes: The Oregon Boundary dispute.
2. Review homework: questions #1-6.
3. Assigned:
- read p. 210-212
- questions #7-9
4. Future test prep.
5. Updated marks, tests returned.

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 10...
- read - analyze - important quotations.
2. Film inaccuracies.
3. Essay planning (decide on a topic, create theme and thesis statements, find important quotations).
4. Test/In-Class essay: Thursday-Friday next week.
*Updated marks

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 5-8 questions due.
2. Chapter 9 (in-class). Chapter 10 (for homework); review questions on Monday.
- read - analyze - important quotations
3. Future essay prep.
*Updated mark
4. Test/In-Class essay: Thursday-Friday next week.

Socials 11
World War II
1. Hiroshima.
2. Assigned:
- read p. 170-178
- FQ #1-3 (p.178) (discuss Monday...possible quiz).
*Updated marks